(7) ડꫀꪜꫀꪀ

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Hey, Hi, Hello, guess who actually managed to update when she said she would? THIS GIRL 🤪

If you could be one member from BTS for a day, who would you want to be and why?🤔 (my answer will be at the end of the chapter ;))



Taehyung has been staring at his reflection for the past ten minutes and he still can't seem to wrap his mind around what he just did. He just fucked a guy...a really attractive guy, but that is besides the point.

He stuck his dick into Jeon Jungkook and liked it. In fact, just thinking about the way Jungkook sounded as he moaned uncontrollably and how godly he looked as he finally came is making Taehyung horny all over again. But there's no time for a second shower so he needs to get it together.

Luckily, Taehyung has art first, his favorite class. All of his other classes pertain to math, science, business and managing, his father's suggestion. Not that he actually had a choice.

Taehyung was never even given his course selection sheet. He had the pleasure of watching all of his fellow classmates choose their classes while he waited to hear what academic hell awaited him the next year. His father would've had him take an extra rigorous course if it wasn't for the art requirement at the Seoul Academy of 'Arts'.

He's quite thankful for that requirement. Art is the only class he feels truly capable of expressing himself. There are worries of ill judgment and harsh evaluation, for true art can only be felt and admired by one's who can appreciate it for its beauty and exquisite creativity.

True art is guided by emotions that stir the soul to loving bonds and the sort of imagination that awakens its sense of wonder and joy. It brings out his inner child. Art is like a healthy drug to Taehyung, one that puts his mind at ease when he can no longer stand his harsh reality.

His latest dilemma; Jeon Jungkook, and he intends to art his way out of this one too, preferably with paint.

"Good Morning, Sonsaeng-nim," Taehyung respectively bows to his favorite teacher as he enters the room. Mrs. Song returns the gesture, smiling brightly at one of her most promising students.

Taehyung heads to his usual seat, as everyone typically sat in the same seats every day despite them being allowed to sit wherever they want.

He sticks his bag into one of the cubbies designated at the back of the room before grabbing his paint-splattered apron. He'd be lying if he said some of the stains on there weren't intentional.

He begins gathering up his art supplies when a sudden familiar voice sends the paintbrushes tumbling right out of his hands. It can't be...

Taehyung slowly pivots around, allowing the owner of the voice to be revealed. Taehyung's fists clench at his sides, his knuckles turning white.

This class was supposed to be his means of escape and now the very thing he is trying to escape is walking right towards him. Taehyung can't help but notice the awkward limp in his usually confident stride. Jungkook locks eyes with him and he averts his gaze to the scattered brushes on the floor.

"So we meet again." Jungkook bends down to help Taehyhung gather the paintbrushes but Taehyung only snatches them from his grasp, "I don't want your help." He snaps.

"Don't touch V hyung's paintbrushes," Jungkook paints an imaginary message onto his palm with one of the very paintbrushes he isn't supposed to be touching, "got it."

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