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Thoughts on Set me Free pt 2?



Drive safely, okay?" Taehyung calls out, and Yoongi gives him a reassuring nod before rolling the window up. He tugs at Jimin's seatbelt, ensuring it's secure before putting the car in motion.

Jimin tucks his knees to his chest as the world around him morphs into streaks of light and unintelligible shapes. His stomach churns, head already spinning. Alcohol and car rides never mix well for him. His gaze falters, wanting to focus on something else.

His eyes wander to the bruised knuckles resting at the top of the steering wheel, to fresh cuts and bruises littered over pale skin, swollen lips, and the concerned gaze when their eyes meet.

"You alright?"

Ironic- Yoongi being concerned for his well-being, though he sits here completely unscathed.

"Me? Did you see the other guy?"

Yoongi shoots him a look, the corner of his mouth twitching. "That's not funny," he shakes his head, but the pursing of his lips is a sure tell he's holding back a grin.

"It was your joke, asshole."

Their gazes lock, and the car fills with laughter, neither of them able to contain themselves. It's been so long since he's heard Yoongi's laugh, seen that gummy little grin of his. Not that he can see much of anything in this moment, but in his mind, he's surrounded by an aura of nostalgia. It's warm, bright, and happy. He stops laughing soon enough to catch a glimpse of that grin in real time and he finds himself enamored.

"I missed you." Yoongi sighs.

"Did you? You could've had me fooled." Jimin mutters.

"Of course I missed you. The only reason I kept my distance for so long is because...well, I thought that's what you wanted."

"It was what I wanted, but... I didn't expect it to be so easy for you."

"Easy? Jimin, I've been reciting the same three statements to myself for the past few months. I hurt him. I don't deserve him. He's better off without me. Everyday. As many times as I needed to hear it in order to stop myself from knocking on your door, showing up in the dining hall, or bumping into you in the hallway. It's the only way I managed to stay away. Nothing about that was easy. It was the most difficult thing I've ever had to do."

"Me too." Jimin looks down at his lap, "I missed you too."

"Well, you could've had me fooled. You didn't seem very excited to see me tonight," Yoongi jokes, but there's hurt beneath his playful tone.

"That's not fair. You completely caught me off guard. I thought I was hallucinating when I first saw you."

"Is it really that unbelievable I'd want to blow off some steam before finals too?"

"I know you, Yoongi. If you wanted to blow off steam, you'd go to the studio, play some basketball, or have a drink while watching basketball. You wouldn't go to a frat party of all places."

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