(36) 𝕥ꫝⅈ𝕣𝕥ꪗ-ડⅈ᥊

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BTW, This chapter takes place after they've had their conversation about boundaries, safe words and signals, so just know that everything they do is discussed and agreed on beforehand. So If Jungkook says "stop" he doesn't actually mean stop. They have a safe word for that and fully trust one another to use it if necessary. So with that being said,



The door creaks as Jungkook peeks his head out of the bathroom. His eyes meet Taehyung, and his jaw falls slack.

Taehyung is wearing his suit. Jungkook really loves that suit.

"You need help getting it on?" Taehyung asks and Jungkook shakes his head, swallowing the moisture gathering in his mouth.

"Come on out then. Let me see."

Jungkook pushes the door open and steps into view. He takes a few steps towards Taehyung, stopping at just an arm's reach. He stares at Taehyung through his blonde fringe as he fidgets with the top of his stockings. They are sheer and white, being held up by the little suspenders attached to the lace garter belt resting below his belly button. The matching panties are lace as well, cock nearly spilling out of them.

"Fuck, come here." Taehyung reaches for his hand and pulls him closer.

He swallows the delicious sight of the younger's body, lust stirring in the pit of his stomach. The white fabric is heavenly against his skin, nylon material straining around his thick thighs and hugging his hips just right. Taehyung's gaze trails back up to examine the dainty white choker around his neck. Then he meets his eyes, baffled by the innocence within them. How does one manage to look innocent while wearing something so sinful?

Taehyung is prepared to ruin him, tear away every last strip of this innocent facade because he knows his baby is anything but.

"Look at you, all dressed up for me. I can't decide if I'd rather fuck you or just stare at you all night. I could get off either way." Taehyung bites his lip. As breathtaking as the younger looks in his attire, it's not even the best part.

Peeking from the cleft of his ass is a fluffy ball of white mimicking a bunny tail. It's connected to a buttplug Taehyung purchased to go with the lingerie. Motioning for Jungkook to turn around, Taehyung inhales sharply at the sight, g-string slightly pushed to the side to make room for the plug.

He caresses the boy's hip before letting the pad of his thumb run over the fluffy tail, "You like it, baby?"

Jungkook nods, facing Taehyung again, "Almost as much as I like this suit." He tugs at the collar.

"It's sexy," Jungkook smooths the expensive material down with his palms, revelling at the sight. When he agreed to wear the lingerie set Taehyung bought him, he requested Taehyung wear the suit in return, although he would've worn the skimpy outfit, regardless.

He loves the power it gives him.

Taehyung's eyes can't seem to find an area on his body to settle on. His gaze keeps flickering from his eyes to his waist, back up to his eyes, then his crotch.

"You look...fuck, is there even a word for how fuckable you look right now?"

Jungkook's giggle turns into a squeal when Taehyung pulls him to stand between his legs. He caresses Jungkook from his waist to his thighs, his expression serious now.

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