(4) ᠻꪮꪊ𝕣

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Don't forget to leave comments, I'm a hoe for those 🤪


What the hell just happened? And what the hell would have happened had Taehyung not snapped out of that trance-like state when he did? He doesn't know and he certainly doesn't plan on finding out.

Taehyung beelines to the gym entrance, wanting nothing more than to get out of that locker room and as far away from Jungkook as possible.

He can't help but groan out loud as frantic thoughts scatter his mind. Why are his muscles so tense? Why is he so out of breath? Why does his skin feel so hot and tingly? Why is he sweating? Why is his stomach doing flips? And most curious of all, why the hell are his nipples so damn hard?

Well, the answer to that is quite simple. He's turned on. But Taehyung will be damned if he admits that a guy is the reason for him feeling this way. Nope, that's absurd. There must be a reasonable explanation for this. He's probably just....horny, yeah, he's horny. Which is totally normal. Guys get horny all the time, it's basic biology.

As soon as a lust-inspiring image registers in a males brain, they become turned-on, not only physically but psychologically. And just because he just so happened to be talking to Jungkook at the time of this sudden arousal doesn't mean Jungkook is the reason for him feeling this way.

Correlation does not imply causation. Taehyung learned that in statistics, a class he doesn't much care for but if what he learned in that class was ever going to come in handy, now is certainly that time.

Taehyung makes his way into the gym, shaking out his limbs to prepare for his laps. He glances towards the entrance of the gym to see if a certain someone has made their way in yet, but to his luck, they are no where in sight.

"Three laps!" Coach Kim calls out with a wave of his hand and everyone starts running. It's normal procedure, they do laps, stretch, and then perform their usual drills. It's a rule that the last person to finish their laps has to run one extra, so the guys always make it a point to finish as fast as possible. So fast that Taehyung ends up ramming into the person in front of him, not realizing they stopped, "Shit, sorry." Taehyung groans having just crashed into his teammate, Namjoon's back.

In his defense, it was Jungkook who distracted him. The younger had the nerve to walk into the gym looking like a whole fucking five course meal. He's wearing a white long sleeve, tight fitting compression shirt paired with loose grey sweatpants. Who gave him the right?

Taehyung already knew he was muscular but damn, the school's uniform certainly did him no justice.

The tight shirt he wears strains against his physique, showing off how incredibly fit he is. Jungkook goes beyond just toned muscle. From his broad shoulders and his strong arms to his firm chest and prominently sculpted abdomen, every ripple of strength curves gracefully around his entire body. And Taehyung is certainly taking notice.

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