(11b) ꫀꪶꫀꪜꫀꪀ (᥇)

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As promised, this is the watered-down version of Chapter 11. Most of the chapter is just excerpts from the original chapter, but I removed anything that I thought may be triggering to some and have added explanations to fill In the blanks.

I did my best to ensure that you guys are still getting a majority of the chapter, but without any triggering details. Because, I, myself am not triggered by any of these topics, I wouldn't know if there was something, maybe less obvious that could be triggering within this chapter so if you see anything that you think may be potentially harmful, please please please, don't hesitate to dm me so I can fix it immediately.

I really hope you don't come across anything triggering but if you do, I sincerely apologize. I am not an expert on these things and am still learning, so you are more than welcome to educate me if necessary (respectively, of course :)

Other than that, I hope you enjoy!!


Jimin had been suffering from Bulimia for two years prior to attending the Seoul Academy of Arts (SAA). His parents didn't find out until the night of his dance recital.


"I...I ended up collapsing on stage right in the middle of the opening number, not that I remember any of it. I woke up in the hospital and was told that I fainted due to low blood pressure and dehydration. I also suffered a concussion, which meant I was going to have to take a break from dancing for a while."

"The most devastating part was witnessing just the amount of misery I put my family through that night. I saw it all over their tear-streaked faces and bloodshot eyes. I put them through hell that night."

"Finally, I just broke down and I told them everything, and uh..." Jimin's voice gives, his lips beginning to tremble at the memory, "I'm sorry-"

"Take your time," Jungkook gently reminds him and Jimin uses the tissue to wipe away his fresh tears.

"What I saw in their faces that night just- I can't even begin to describe the amount of guilt I felt knowing that I was inflicting s-so much pain. It seemed like, all they ever did was love and support me but I only stuck knives into their chests and tore their hearts out in return." Jimin stops to blow his nose, but instead of continuing, he shakes his head and moves on.

"My parents ended up getting me the help I needed and with time, I got better. Much better. I wasn't quite one-hundred percent but I was well enough to catch myself in moments of weakness and nudge myself in the right direction."

"Ironically, it was actually dancing that helped me regain my confidence. Going to therapy really allowed me to find joy in dancing again. It became an outlet for me in such a difficult time, and I couldn't have been happier to have found a better way to release my stress."

"Over the course of a few months, I improved immensely. So much so, I was invited to audition for a chance to win a full dance scholarship to the Seoul Academy of Arts. Spoiler alert, I was one of the few chosen."

"Being chosen to attend this school was a huge confidence booster for me. I finally felt like I could put my past behind me and start fresh. I lived in a pretty small town back in Busan so everyone knew everyone and everyone knew everyone's business. Mine included. It didn't take long for news to spread in that town so before long, everyone knew why I collapsed on stage that night. No one treated me the same after that. They were so hesitant around me, so incredibly cautious as if I could easily shatter into a million pieces. I hated it. If anything, the way they treated me only made me feel worse. But I knew there wasn't much I could do about it so I did my best to avoid it. I was homeschooled for the remainder of that year." Jimin sighs.

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