(20) 𝕥᭙ꫀꪀ𝕥ꪗ

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Reason for my absence: School

I actually love this chapter...enjoy


Jungkook rolls over, fingers thrumming the expanse of the duvet for a grasp of Taehyung's familiar warmth but he's met with nothing but a fist of cold sheets. It takes him a moment to realize the brunette isn't lying beside him and his eyes squint open at the crack of fluorescence illuminating from inside the bathroom.

His mind becomes one with his senses and it's not long before he registers the faint sound of the shower running.

Jungkook sits up, debating on whether he should join Taehyung, but the water stops just seconds later, signaling his missed opportunity. Jungkook looks down, his attire distracting him from impending disappointment. His chest is bare and a pair of gray sweats hugs his waist loosely, Taehyung's sweats.

The older must have cleaned him up after he fell asleep. Warmth washes over him at the thought and he falls back onto the plush mountain of blue and white hues, smiling like a giddy child. It's little things like this that make his heart race, little things like this that make Jungkook feel like a school girl silently pining over their crush or like a bee drowning in thick rich nectar. His fondness is simply irrefutable.

Jungkook buries his face into his pillow and Taehyung's sweet aroma immediately floods his nostrils. He inhales deeply, allowing himself to sink and become even more consumed by the pheromone he's grown to idol.

The solemn creak of the bathroom door pierces through the soft ambiance, signaling Taehyung's emergence. The light in the bathroom flickers shut and Jungkook turns his head towards the register of faint padding against the linoleum flooring.

His breath hitches, mouth becoming dry. Taehyung's skin is golden, droplets of water making it glimmer beneath the sterling luster of moonlight. The love bruises on his back have darkened since he last saw them, creating an illusion of blotchy rose petals. Jungkook strokes the flesh with every tantalizing shift of his doe irises and Taehyung removes his towel, presenting an even more dizzying sight. Taehyung runs the fibers over the expanse of his figure and Jungkook has no choice but to suffer in silence, eyes transfixed on his every move.

Even after several weeks of concocting celestial theories in his mind, he can't seem to get over the fact that Kim Taehyung might just be a god, for it is unlikely that a mere being could possess such beauty. But to be fair, his ever-growing affections for Taehyung have only strengthened his unyielding attraction.

Taehyung is now at the bedside, smooth tan legs concealed in blue plaited bottoms. His upper half, on the other hand, remains bare and Jungkook is grateful. He can practically feel the ghost of Taehyung's touch as he anticipates wrapping his arm around him.

He lifts the sheets in preparation to slide underneath and Jungkook speaks up, "Tae..?"

Taehyung emits a tiny gasp and Jungkook's eyes lock with his honey-like irises before continuing, "Be my boyfriend." the words that had been lingering on the tip of his tongue all day take flight.

Jungkook's lips curl up, amused by Taehyung's stunned expression, "I meant to ask earlier but I..." he trails off, smile dropping to mirror Taehyung's frown, "What's wrong?"

Taehyung shakes his head, "Nothing, I just...I- I can't."

Jungkook sits up, confusion etched in his soft features, "Can't what?"

"I can't be your boyfriend, Jungkook."

Taehyung's gaze is cast down, eyes clearly avoidant of his.

Unyielding, Jungkook scoots to the edge of the bed, sitting up on his knees so he can hold Taehyung's warm cheeks between his palms. He caresses the soft skin before gently guiding the older to look back up at him, "You can't be my boyfriend or you don't want to be my boyfriend? There's a difference." There's a hint of humor laced in Jungkook's voice but it's forced.

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