(27) 𝕥᭙ꫀꪀ𝕥ꪗ-ડꫀꪜꫀꪀ

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If you are uncomfortable with top kook, just skip this chapter.

For the rest of you who have been waiting for this chapter, Enjoy!!


Taehyung never pictured he'd die this way-- on his back, belching in distress as Jungkook shoves his fat dick into him. At least that's the position he assumes Jungkook will want to take. But what if he's wrong? There's such a large assortment of sex positions to choose from.

Taehyung keeps playing out possible events that may ensue tonight in his head and they all have the outcome of death. Death of his poor asshole that is.

Perhaps he's being a bit dramatic but that's only to be expected when he's left alone to deal with his sporadic thoughts. Jungkook left a while ago saying he'd be back shortly, but his whereabouts remain a mystery.

Taehyung thoroughly freshened up in the meantime, his body now completely bare beneath his robe. He saw no reason to put clothes on considering he was just going to have to remove them again. Then again, he wouldn't mind Jungkook tearing them off of him instead-

The door to his bedroom swings open, revealing the one and only. Taehyung is immediately on his feet, the space between him and Jungkook lessening.

"Oh great! You're back. What's in the bag?" Taehyung reaches for it but the mysterious bag disappears behind Jungkook's back as quickly as it came to view.

"It's a surprise."

Taehyung steps back and folds his arms over his chest. "Do you...want me to close my eyes or something?"

"No, I want you to sit down." Jungkook pulls onto Taehyung's bicep, guiding him to sit on the bed. He does the same so they're facing one another.

"Okay, I'm sitting. Now let me see," Taehyung attempts to reach for the satin bag with gold embroidery again but Jungkook catches his wrist in time. "Forget about the bag for a second. We need to talk."

"What could be more important than the reason you left me here to imagine all the different ways you're going to destroy my poor virgin hole tonight?"

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about." Jungkook sighs, "look, all jokes and bets aside, do you really want to bottom tonight? I need to know where you stand because I don't want us to do it if you're genuinely uncomfortable."

"I..." Taehyung hesitates, not expecting to be put on the spot, "Well, I don't not want to do it."

"Tae, I need a yes...or a no, either way, I need you to be clear and honest with me. Please."

Taehyung nods before the words can leave his mouth, "Yes I- I do...want to, I'm just...scared. Part of me is like damn, you topping, that's hot. But then the other part is like, fuck, that's gonna hurt like hell, isn't it?" Taehyung chuckles nervously, "Joking around is just how I cope, but I do want to do it. Then I can mark getting drilled by Jeon Juancock off my bucket list." Taehyung says and immediately regrets it. "Fuck, sorry. We're being serious. Right." He looks down, "Sometimes I wish I can just turn my brain off. It doesn't always do what I want it to." he mumbles more to himself than Jungkook.

"Well, I, for one, am a big fan of your brain and...what it makes you do and say and just...everything about you." Jungkook grins, thumb and index finger guiding Taehyung's chin back up.

"You sure about that? I can be pretty weird sometimes. It's a lot to handle."

"Hey, what did I tell you? I like weird. Weird is hot. Weird is sexy. You're fucking weird Kim Taehyung and I'm fucking here for it." Jungkook recites and it makes Taehyung laugh even harder the second time around.

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