(21) 𝕥᭙ꫀꪀ𝕥ꪗ-ꪮꪀꫀ

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School has been demanding, life has been tough, but I'm back, my loves. Thank you for waiting so patiently 💜



The thing about getting drunk is you always think you have it under control until you don't. Always think you can handle one more drink when in reality, you're two sips away from not even remembering your own name, or anything for that matter. Consider tonight one of those nights.

In Jungkook's defense, it is his birthday, he deserves to have a bit of fun, especially after the week he's had.

He tagged along with his friends to the hair salon on Sunday and dyed his hair blonde on an impulse. And a couple of days later, he got an eyebrow piercing because Jimin got nipple piercings, so why the fuck not? On Thursday, he got some great footage for the senior farewell project. And yesterday, the McDonalds cashier threw an extra nugget in his bag by mistake. Although it wouldn't be a surprise if it had something to do with that cashier giving him the bedroom eyes.

While this may sound all fun and dandy, he may have left out the part where Taehyung was M.I.A for the entirety of those six days. And now he's not even at his birthday bash, despite the entire ssireum team being here. Like what the fuck is that about? Sure, they're not on the best of terms right now, but fuck he still misses the brunette and wants him here even if it's just to glare at him from across the room. Hence, why Jungkook is drinking like a madman, in hopes to forget about the handsome bastard long enough to enjoy his damn party.

Besides, watching Felix take body shots off of Hyunjin is way more fun than letting his mind wander off to all the terrible reasons Taehyung might have gone missing.

Felix captures the lime from Hyunjin's mouth between his lips and instead of biting into it, chucks it aside to bite into his lips instead.

Everyone surrounding them begins to hoot and holler, a few shouts for them to get a room also echoing off from the crowd.

Jungkook just laughs, shaking his head as he leaves to go find Jimin. He was promised a game of beer pong earlier.

There's a substantial amount of people here so he doubts the search will be a walk in the park, but he doesn't mind.

Another one of his favorite songs pour from the surround sound system of the venue, and it makes him wonder how Jimin managed to get his hands on his playlist, that sneaky bastard. The thought is short-lived as Jungkook finds himself consumed by the concinnity of bass and melody, bouncing on the balls of his feet like a jubilant child. He weaves in and out of the crowd quite ungracefully and a few people wish him a happy birthday as he stumbles by.

He recognizes a lot of them from school, but there are a few unfamiliar faces. He smiles and thanks them nonetheless.

It was Jimin who organized this entire thing, planned the surprise, rented out the venue, a live DJ, and everything. He had everyone chip in, of course, their ticket in either drinks or a present.

Jungkook was stunned upon discovering how much thought and effort his friends put into making tonight special, considering he'd already had such a memorable evening prior.

Jimin dragged him out of their dorm to help him search for his phone after 'forgetting it' in the lounge room, but he was pleased to find that it was all a ploy. A group of his close friends awaited his arrival with confetti poppers and a sprinkle-cladded cupcake, just for him. Although most of it ended up on his face, courtesy of his lovely wrestling mates.

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