(9) ꪀⅈꪀꫀ

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Hey guys, I'd like to apologize for missing last weeks update. With everything going on, I just wasn't in the right headspace to write. Updates for the next few weeks will random until things get back to somewhat normal. I hope you understand.



Jungkook saunters out from the bathroom and scans the room for his discarded boxers. He spots the black fabric hanging off the edge of Taehyung's bed, mixed in with the disheveled sheets and he slides them back on.

His eyes fall upon Taehyung, the older stretched out across the bed with his hands folded beneath his head, eyes hidden behind his closed lids. He is still very much naked and Jungkook very much enjoying the view right now.

The olders hair is a disheveled mess, but his wavy locks still manage to frame his gorgeously sculpted features perfectly. His face, neck, and scarlet-streaked chest are flushed with a light tinge of red beneath his smooth tanned glow. His ripe lips are still swollen from being captured in between Jungkook's and the younger licks his own at the hormone triggering sight.

Jungkook carries his gaze down further, far too tempted to keep it from falling below Taehyung's V-line. Once again, he is in awe. Jungkook is quite certain he couldn't find a single flaw on this man's body even if his life depended on it.

"Stop staring at my dick, you perv." Taehyung finally opens his eyes, having felt the younger's devouring gaze on him.

"Put it away and maybe I won't be so tempted to stare at it." Jungkook shrugs shamelessly before plopping down beside him.

Taehyung shakes his head, clear annoyance radiating through his gaze, "That's like telling a girl she should wear less revealing clothing because it'll distract guys, which is bullshit. Girls should be allowed to wear whatever the fuck they want, and guys should have the common decency to respect a girl's body and not sexualize every inch of skin they see. Telling someone they should cover up to avoid distracting someone else is not only a form of victim-blaming but it's actually quite insulting to the person they are 'supposedly' distracting. Not all of us are horny sexist fucks, you know."

"Wow, I would've never guessed you to be a feminist." Jungkook's doe eyes widen, a fond smile accompanying his pouty lips.

"Well, I'm a man of many virtures and I'm all for gender equality so with that being said, I should be allowed to roam freely, in my own room, ass naked, without the worry of wandering eyes." The older stands before skipping around his room for added emphasis, but it only makes Jungkook's task of keeping his eyes to himself that much more difficult.

Jungkook runs the tip of his tongue along the inside of his cheek, a look of amusement dancing on his soft features, "I suppose you're right...but aren't you afraid of your roommate walking in and seeing your ding dong?"

"Okay, first- I don't have a roommate, and second- ...don't call my manhood a ding dong." Taehyung quickly yanks his boxers back on, seemingly offended by the use of such a name.

"Why not? I mean, don't you ever get tired of using the same old nicknames; dick, cock, meatstick , johnson-"

"Who calls their dick johnson?"

"My cousin. It's a funny story, really-" Jungkook begins to explain only to be promptly cut off, "I don't even want to know."

Jungkook chuckles at Taehyung's clear discomfort, an idea sparking his interest, "I bet I can come up with more nicknames for dick than you." The younger challenges and Taehyung's brow raises, his full lips curling up into a smirk, "Oh, you're so on."

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