(17) ડꫀꪜꫀꪀ𝕥ꫀꫀꪀ

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Not me taking an eternity to update 🤡

Okay, but before we talk about my absence, can we talk about JUNGKOOK'S BLONDE HAIR SUEKDJDLFNLFN. I've been in shambles ever since I've seen it. As for my absence, 🥲 I don't have a real excuse so let's just move on and enjoy the chapter whooo!


Taehyung slumps against the window, his chin resting against the heel of his hand as the Seoul Academy of Arts shrinks farther and faster away by the second. A splash of water hits his line of view and he recoils. Several drops gradually cover the expanse of the car's windows and he sighs, settling into his previous position as he stares disinterestedly past the small globes of water.

He had a feeling it would rain. If the fluffy blankets of gray one might call a sky, were indication enough. A rather great way to start what he presumes will be a fantastic day.

Yeah right.

Taehyung never understood everyone's widespread obsession with rain. Do the lyrics, 'rain, rain, go away, come again another day', hold no value? Sure, rain keeps the crops growing and the water flowing, but it's cold and gray and robs him of beautiful blue skies and warm weather. It is, however, a necessary evil, as we will die without it. That, and the fact that kissing scenes in the rain are, and will forever be, his guilty pleasure. Not that he feels guilty about it. Not in the least bit.

He'll shamelessly recite every single line from The Notebook with ease. He's watched that movie so many times, it's practically second nature. That and just about every lyric to every song Frank Sinatra has ever released. Yeah, he has a bit of an obsession with the guy. Once again, he's guilt free.

Famous for his timeless tunes and infamous for his raging reputation, Frank Sinatra was a man of many complexities. But his voice, soft as cashmere, made even the most rigid soul sore with delight. You can love him or you can hate him but you can't deny, Sinatra is a legend who simply can't be touched.

Ironically, 'Come rain or shine' comes pouring into Taehyung's ears and he smiles. Nobody makes music like Sinatra anymore. Though, if he's being honest, he'll gladly listen to the screech of nails against chalkboard if it means drowning out his father's ballistic shouting.

Taehyung put his earbuds in when his father started screaming at one of his employees through the phone. Their driver, sadly, doesn't have the luxury of doing the same. He feels bad for him but he feels even worse for whoever it is on the other line. Certainly, he never likes being on the receiving end of that. He's been there enough times in one year to last him a lifetime.

A firm tap on the shoulder pulls Taehyung from his thoughts and he pulls his earbuds out to grant his father his attention, "Yes, dad?"

"The folder I handed you earlier, where is it?" his voice is stern.

Taehyung nods and promptly retrieves the manilla folder from the back pocket of the passenger seat. He attempts to hand it over, but his father shakes his head, "No, it's for you. I want you to read the contract I placed inside."

Taehyung furrows his brows but doesn't question it. He does, however, Internally groan when he realizes how thick it is. He wonders how many more contracts like this he'll have to read in the future. Who in their right mind would want to do this for a living? He'd rather watch paint dry. Actually no, he'd rather paint, and draw, and sing, and act and just about anything that doesn't involve reading this damn contract.

He skims through it as fast as he can, not really caring for the convoluted writing prose or the topic in general.


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