(12) 𝕥᭙ꫀꪶꪜꫀ

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Okay, hear me out, Jungkook singing 10000 hours to Taehyung at their wedding 🤧

Sad girl hours: on



"-Ashh Jin, just because you can bend your back in half doesn't mean I can too!" Namjoon groans as the older aides him in a stretch. The entire team is stretching as they prepare for their first home wrestling meet this season. Jungkook observes the two through his legs as he bends over to stretch as well.

"Oh, stop being such a baby and count to ten," Jin pushes him down further and he yelps out in pain, "My legs will snap by the time I get to five-"

"-Count!" Jin nudges him even further and Jungkook has to clasp his hand over his mouth to keep from erupting in a fit laughter.

"-OW one...fuck two....shit three-"

"Okay guys, huddle up! The match begins in five," Coach Kim calls out and Namjoon snaps his head up, relief washing over him, "Oh thank God." he shoves Jin away, "Get off of me."

Jin rolls his eyes before helping him up and joining the rest of the team.

"Last time we went up against Daegu University, we barely won by a few points. I don't care how good you think you are, you can never underestimate your opponent. We may be on a winning streak but so are they and only one team can come out victorious. We need to win today in order to be guaranteed a spot for nationals so do your absolute best out there. There is no room for error." Coach Kim says sternly, before turning to Jungkook. "JK, you're up first. You've proven yourself to be quite the competitor in the past but I advise you not to rest on your laurels. These are skilled players so keep your head in the game."

"Yes, Coach!" Jungkook nods sternly and Coach Kim turns to Taehyung, "Take it away, V."

Taehyung moves forward in preparation for their spirit chant and the rest of the guys create a circle, linking their arms around each other's shoulders as Taehyung stands center, "On three! One, two, three, Go stallions!" Taehyung starts and the rest of the guys follows suit, rocking back and forth as they chant, "GO GO, GO STALLIONS, GO GO, GO STALLIONS, GO GO, S-E to the O-U-L, GO STALLIONS!!!" They throw their hands in the air and the crowd roars with excitement as they make their way to their reserved benches.

Jungkook settles in between Jin and Namjoon, wanting to avoid having to sit beside Taehyung at all costs. It's been a week since he made his promise to Jimin and he's managed to keep it thus far. He hasn't spoken a word to Taehyung since.

Well, that's not entirely true. He has spoken a few words but only when it was absolutely necessary. With them being teammates, communication was often unavoidable. Nevertheless, he still tried his best to avoid it. It was a lot easier to hate the older when he didn't have to talk to him. But that didn't mean he couldn't still look at him...

Like now, for instance. While everyone is either eyeing the opposing team or is immersed in their own conversations, Jungkook is eyeing Taehyung.

He can't help but notice the way the older sits slumped on the bench with his head hung low. There's a red bandana keeping his long locks out of his face, allowing Jungkook to see the troubled look in his eyes and the way his brows furrow as if he is in deep thought.

"Hey, are you nervous? Because you have no reason to be nervous. You're not nervous are you?" Namjoon startles Jungkook with his sudden trivia.

"What? No. Why would I be ner-"

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