(31) 𝕥ꫝⅈ𝕣𝕥ꪗ-ꪮꪀꫀ

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The video of Jungkook chasing Taehyung with a water bottle on stage to get his revenge is my favorite



Imagine the sun, warm and bright, shining over a field of white lilies. Their dewy petals dance to the gentle breeze in the air, which carries the laughter from children frolicking in the distance.

The lilies lay peacefully in the field, bringing upon feelings of serenity and happiness to anyone who graces their eyes upon them.

A young boy ventures away from his friends, in search of the perfect lily. With so many of the blossomed beauties to choose from, his options seem endless.

His dark hair wisps in the direction of the gentle wind and he pushes it out of his view. He searches for what feels like ages until he finds what he's looking for. The perfect lily.

He pinches the stem before plucking it from the ground and holding it up to his face for closer admiration.

A sudden shriek of thunder startles the boy, causing him to drop the lily as he folds into himself, protecting his ears from the loud intrusion.

He looks up in shuddering fear. The sun is no longer visible, it's clouded by none other. A fat cold drop of rain splashes against his cheek, followed by another, and another on his forehead.

His innocent features twist in confusion. It was so beautiful out a moment ago. What happened?

His hair whips in the direction the harsh wind blows, blocking his view entirely. He has no time to think as the rain begins to pour and the screams of frantic children fleeing the field fill the cold atmosphere.

Their screams grow less and less distant as they run towards the boy in an attempt to reach the nearest shelter.

The boy shrinks into a ball as they hurtle past him in a stampede. He looks up to witness their retreating figures. He stands to join them in their escape, but then he remembers...

The lily.

The boy looks down and there the once perfect lily lies, stomped and trampled on. It's torn petal is only one of the many broken petals surrounding it.

What once was a beautiful field of lilies is now nothing but a pit of crushed plants, swimming in wet soil.

One moment. That's all it took.

One moment can change everything. And that moment before the change can feel so serene, so perfect, like a beautiful lily blowing gently in a field before it is violently trampled on.

Jimin feels like that lily. Broken and destroyed. Unable to feel the warm kiss of the sun, or gentle caress of the wind.

The sun is no longer visible and the wind is no longer gentle. It's cold, harsh, and miserable.

Maybe that's just life. You can be so happy one moment, then devastated the next.

It fucking hurts.

The ache in his chest is constant, only subsiding in his slumber, which is filled with the beautiful memories shared by him and Yoongi. His dreams are his escape from this nightmare that is now his reality. Dreams surrounded by better times.

But then he wakes up. And the pain is back. And his never-ending flow of tears return until his body is too exhausted to endure it any longer.

It's a constant cycle. He wakes up, suffers through unyielding pain, cries himself to sleep, then repeats.

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