(41) ᠻꪮ𝕣𝕥ꪗ-ꪮꪀꫀ

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You guys still alive? I was just wondering since the maknae line has been attacking us all week

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You guys still alive? I was just wondering since the maknae line has been attacking us all week. Like, Jungkook, come get your man, No, Taehyung come get YOUR man 😳 those two need to chill. And don't even get me started on Jimin's EP. My baby has not released a bad song. Been listening to the album like crazyyy!! So proud of him 🥹

Enjoy my loves!!


Jimin yawns and Yoongi glances his way, "Tired?" 

"We both are."

"I'm not-" Yoongi yawns mid-sentence, "- tired, I'm just-"

"Impossible, you're impossible." Jimin finishes for him, cooing at the way he blinks to keep his eyes from watering. It's adorable. 

"It's getting late. We should wrap this up." Jimin gathers his lyric sheets and puts them in his bag.

“I just need to finish a few more things. You should head out without me. I'll be a few more minutes.”

“Yeah right, more like a few more hours.”

“Not true.”

“Yoongz, you’re a workaholic, and honestly just plain obsessive. I know better than to leave you here alone.” Jimin stands but Yoongi continues to click, click and edit. He continues despite the younger's scrutinizing gaze.

Jimin crosses his arms over his chest, clearing his throat and Yoongi frowns like he's battling himself.

"Don't make me pull that plug. I will do it."

"Fine." Yoongi grumbles before standing. 

He walks Jimin to his dorm despite the younger's protests and they agree to meet at the same time tomorrow. Jimin thanks and waves him goodbye before entering his dorm.

“Speaking of the devil, look who finally decided to show up.” 

Jimin looks up to find Jungkook and Taehyung propped in front of Jungkook’s laptop. They’re on video call with Daeun, Jungkook’s mother.

“Where have you been all day?” Taehyung sits up.

“More like all week?” Jungkook adds.

Jimin ignores their questions and squeezes between them.

“Hey, mom!” He waves.

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