(42) ᠻꪮ𝕣𝕥ꪗ-𝕥᭙ꪮ

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For those of you who didn't get the memo, my comment about this chapter being the last was just an April Fool's joke. Can't believe we're nearing August and the last time I updated this book was April 1st. Please forgive me for the long and unexpected hiatus.



The door makes a familiar clicking sound before opening and revealing an exhausted-looking Taehyung.

"Honey, I'm home." He sings songs, and Jungkook chuckles softly, sitting up. He opens his arms, beckoning Taehyung to join him on the bed.

Taehyung tugs his tie loose and kicks his shoes off before plopping down beside him, head resting on the younger's chest. Jungkook peers down at him, fingers parting through his gelled-up strands until his nails graze his scalp.

Taehyung's lips part around a sigh, "I missed you..."

Jungkook leans down, and Taehyung pulls a hand to his nape until their mouths press together. Taehyung melts into the kiss, grip on Jungkook's nape prolonging it. It's slow and deliberate, like how you savor your favorite dessert after longing for it all day.

"...so much," he whispers as soon as they part, words tickling the younger's lips as their rapid breaths mingle a mere inch away. Jungkook smiles, their heads still pressed together. He steals a few pecks before asking, "How was the meeting?"

"Insufferable." Taehyung groans, "It sucked the life right out of me, but I felt my soul return tenfold as soon as I laid eyes on you, so all is well in my world." He hums and Jungkook gives him a look that can only be described as pure adoration. Taehyung tilts his chin so their noses brush, and Jungkook scrunches his, smiling adorably.

"How were rehearsals?" Taehyung asks, and Jungkook's smile falters.

"It went well, but today was the first day we practiced in the auditorium, and seeing all those empty seats made me realize how nervous I am to perform in front of the entire school. Hobi and Jimin-ah are practically professionals, I feel like such an amateur."

"Why? You've performed in front of large crowds, all those ssireum competitions..."

"Yeah, but that's not the same thing, baby. When I'm wrestling, I drown the crowd out. I focus on my opponent and how to overtake them. I'm thinking strategy. I don't have time to worry about who or how many people are watching. Performing on stage is the complete opposite. You have to connect with the audience. There are so many technicalities. What if I mess up?"

"You keep dancing. Even seasoned performers mess up sometimes, but it's not about the mistake. It's how you recover from it. If you mess up, just sell it, work up the charm, and draw them in, and you'll have the audience in the palm of your hand. What mistake? They won't even notice."

"Hobi will. He'll notice. He's worked incredibly hard on the choreography, and there will be some really important people in the audience. I want them to see the dance as he envisioned it. I don't want to be the reason they don't choose him."

Taehyung leans forward and presses his lips to the younger's temple. "Don't think like that. You'll perform great, just like I've seen you do several times. You'll see, those nerves will turn into adrenaline as soon as you walk on the stage." he squeezes his hand reassuringly, "And hey! If it helps, imagine hundreds of Taehyungs in the crowd, cheering you on, and then one backstage waiting to kiss you as soon as you return from an amazing performance."

Jungkook shakes with gentle laughter, "Sure, I'll try that." he adjusts to lie facing Taehyung, "You miss it, don't you?"

Taehyung frowns, not understanding.

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