(24) 𝕥᭙ꫀꪀ𝕥ꪗ-ᠻꪮꪊ𝕣

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Disclaimer: I am not a music major, I am not a business major, etc., I am a psychology major. I say this all to say not everything mentioned in this book pertaining to subjects I'm unfamiliar with will be accurate. If you happen to have extensive knowledge in any of these areas, please excuse the inaccuracies. I did do research for the most part but at the end of the day, It's just a book. It's my book. I'm writing it for fun...research is not fun. If I say pigs fly in this universe, then you're damn right they do. Just go with the flow :)



"It's literally a cupcake!"

"No, it isn't! It's a muffin with frosting! Suga shouts back at Hoseok, and Jin rolls his eyes, "Same difference."

"No, those are two completely different things." Namjoon intervenes.

"Let's all grab lunch, they said. It'll be fun, they said." Jimin grumbles to himself.

Suga shoots Jin an incredulous look, "You're basically saying if I wipe the frosting off a cupcake, that makes it a muffin?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

Namjoon scoffs, "Oh, so I guess I can just slap some frosting on some cornbread and call that a cupcake too, huh?"

"Why not? My mom does that all the time."

"Yeah, for ten birthday parties straight."

"Hey, I thought you loved my mom's cupcakes." Hoseok turns to Yoongi.

"No, I love her cornbread with frosting."

"Same difference! Hoseok and Jin say in unison and Namjoon and Suga follow with "No, it isn't!" right after.

"Cupcakes and muffins consist of completely different ingredients." Namjoon tries to reason but Hoseok is having none of it.

"So do fruit and potato salads but they're still salads."

"That's different!"


"That's enough!" Jimin shouts, "I don't want to hear any more talk about cake unless it's about mine."

"What cake?" Jin snickers and Jimin's gaze turns deadly.

"Oh, now you've done it." He attempts to leap over the table and strangle Jin but Yoongi is quick to grab him.

"Calm down cupcake," Yoongi grunts, struggling to contain Jimin's flailing arms.

"Don't you mean frosted muffin?" Jin mocks.

Namjoon shoves the muffin that started this entire argument right into his mouth, effectively shutting him up.

"Thank you," Jimin says, voice still sharp as he stares daggers at Jin.

"I did it for all our sake."

Jungkook hums a melodic tune and Namjoon turns to look at him. He's been quiet all lunch, earbuds in and his eyes glued to his notebook as he would occasionally jot something down.

Namjoon plucks one of Jungkook's earbuds out, "What are you doing?"

"Huh?" Jungkook looks around startled, "Oh, Brainstorming some ideas for my midterm piece. We pulled sticks for our compositions today and Mr.Choi says we have to change it in some way, make it ours." Jungkook says with air quotations, "I'm thinking of distorting mine a bit, and adding some rain at the beginning for a relaxing ambiance."

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