(29) 𝕥᭙ꫀꪀ𝕥ꪗ-ꪀⅈꪀꫀ

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Oh, don't mind me, I'm just waiting for Taekook to post a video of them sparring together 🙇🏽‍♀️

Had to get another chapter out before January ended 😭

Enjoy, my loves!


"Koo, wake up."

Jungkook groans in response, burying his head deeper into Taehyung's chest.

"Gotta get up. We have class." Taehyung shakes the reluctant boy.

Jungkook lifts his head, eyes squinty, lips pouty, "Can't we just skip?"

"Easy for you to say. The chancellor isn't your father." Taehyung attempts to slide from beneath him but Jungkook only tightens his hold around his torso, "Five more minutes?"

"Five minutes is probably all we have. We're late." Taehyung pries Jungkook off and rushes to the bathroom.

Jungkook sighs in defeat before reluctantly rolling out of bed.

"I have to go get a fresh set of clothes from my dorm. Wait for me?"

"Yeah, sure." Taehyung muffles, mouth full of toothpaste.

Jungkook makes it to his dorm just as Jimin is exiting.

"Hold the door!" He calls out and Jimin looks up, startled, "Kook?"

"Morning!" He bolts past him and heads for the bathroom. Jimin appears in the doorway as he's spitting out the last of his toothpaste.

"Where did you sleep last night?"

Jungkook splashes some water on his face before hastily patting it dry with a towel.

"My friend's dorm. We nearly pulled an all-nighter. I was too exhausted to keep my eyes open, let alone walk all the way back here." He explains as he buttons up his shirt and tucks it into his slacks.

"Right," Jimin says with a subtle roll of his eyes. Jungkook is too occupied with his shoelaces to notice.

"Okay, great talk. I'll see you in choir!"

Jungkook is about to run out when Jimin stops him.


Jungkook halts in his tracks, looking at jimin expectantly.

"Don't forget. Rehearsals are at five. Don't be late."

"I won't." Jungkook hollers on his way out the door.

The day flies by in a blur, time seeming to escape Jungkook like water from a faucet. He's swamped with assignments he's been putting off for way too long.

He told Jimin he almost pulled an all-nighter helping a friend with a project when in actuality, he and Taehyung were binging episodes of their favorite drama. Tonight, he may actually have to pull an all-nighter just to catch up with his school work. He can't ignore the irony.

The mere thought has been stressing him out all day. He wills himself to push his troublesome thoughts to the back burner of his mind. He has other things to worry about right now. Like getting to rehearsals on time as he promised. Jimin and Hoseok seemed even more adamant about it today than usual, reminding him every time they'd see him. Sure, he isn't the most consistent when it comes to arriving on time but damn, he wishes they'd have a little more faith in him. He's punctual when he puts his mind to it.

Jungkook walks through the studio door, phone raised in his hand to show the time, "Look at that, five on the dot. Aren't you guys proud of me?" He places his belongings down towards the back of the room.

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