(30) 𝕥ꫝⅈ𝕣𝕥ꪗ

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TW: This chapter contains topics of Bulima Nervosa...and lots of angst.

I feel weird telling y'all to enjoy but um..., Enjoy ♡


1 year ago...

Taehyung shakes his head in frustration, shutting his textbook. He swears he's been reading the same sentence for the past twenty minutes yet the only information being stored in his short-term memory is how many minutes have passed since his last attempt to contact Jimin.

Jimin isn't answering. He hasn't been answering for the past three days, since news about his bulimia started circling around campus.

He can still hear the hurt and betrayal in Jimin's voice as he screamed at him, can still feel the force of his hands as he shoved him in anger. There was no point in trying to talk to Jimin then, he was too hysterical. He wasn't listening.

Taehyung went back to his dorm later that day, hoping to find Jimin there, but to no avail.

He figured Jimin would come back soon enough once he had enough time to cool down, but it's been three days. He can't take it anymore. He needs to talk to him, set things straight. And luckily, he knows exactly where to find him.

Taehyung takes the all too familiar trail to Yoongi and Hoseok's shared dorm, knocking on the door.

The door opens just barely and Taehyung has to tilt his head to see who answered it. He and Yoongi meet eyes through the small opening.

Yoongi slips out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind him. "What are you doing here?" He says in a low tone, looking to his left and right as if trying to make sure no one is in hearing distance.

"I need to talk to Jimin, is he in there?"

Yoongi sighs, "Look, now is really not a good time-"

"It's important."

"Taehyung, you're the last person Jimin wants to see right now. Just leave him be, I promise he's in good hands." Yoongi turns to go back into the room but Taehyung catches his wrist before he can swipe his ID.

"You and I both know it isn't me he should be upset with right now. If you aren't going to let me talk to him then when do you plan on telling him what you did."

Yoongi's eyes widen for a split second before they narrow into slits, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Bullshit. I heard you yelling at that guy in the hallway. You said he's the reason Jimin can't keep a meal down? Why the fuck would you even say that? I bet everyone in that hallway heard you, and now the whole fucking student body knows."

"Hey, keep your voice down." Yoongi hisses, taking a defensive step forward.

Taehyung continues, quieter this time, "How did you know anyway? I thought I was the only person he told."

"You're the only person he remembers telling. He told me on the night he came back from his dance competition. He was drunk, like really drunk. One minute he was laughing, talking about how he forgot the last part of his routine and made a complete fool of himself on stage, the next, he was crying and telling me...everything."

Taehyung brows push together. Why didn't he know about this? Jimin didn't tell him about this...

"Well, he clearly didn't mean to tell you. And you had no business blurting it out to everyone else." Taehyung says, tone scathing.

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