(19) ꪀⅈꪀꫀ𝕥ꫀꫀꪀ

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Today marks a year since I published chapter one of this book and I'm only on chapter nineteen...how EMBARAZZING 🤡


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Buff baby^^

Genuine question, is the reason ppl don't comment much on smut chapters because they need one hand to scroll and the other hand to...😏🤭 lemme stop.

I challenged myself to write this smut chapter without using the word "moan" at any point. Let's see how I did 😉



"Oh, I'll show you, alright," Jungkook says in a low tone, the glint of sinful intention in his eyes foreboding a sleepless night.

Jungkook runs his calloused fingers down the expanse of Taehyung's milky thighs, the feathery touch making Taehyung writhe in his hold. His semi-hardened cock lays heavy against his stomach, twitching here and there with every tantalizing action the younger inflicts.

Keeping up with his torturously slow pace, Jungkook slips his hands between the junction of Taehyung's thighs and butterflies them open, leaving the slowly hardening heat on full display.

Jungkook admires the thick organ with fervor. He wants nothing more than to wrap his lips around it, feel it pulse, swell, and harden in his mouth with every blow. He wants Taehyung to use his mouth to abuse his throat with every merciless thrust into his entrance until he cums. And even then, he wants to keep going, swallow every last drop of what Taehyung has to offer. But alas, good things come to those who wait. Being a masochist has its perks.

"Such a pretty cock." He lingers on the statement, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip, "It's a shame I won't get to taste it till later." Jungkook wills himself not to act on his carnal desires.

"Turn around."

Taehyung rolls onto his stomach, his actions hesitant.

"Good boy." The praise goes straight to his cock and he grips the sheets to deviate the sexually frustrating tension.

There's a weight pressing him down moments later, Jungkook's body blanketing his own, heat pressed against his ass cheeks, chest against his upper back, and lips against the nape of his neck.

Taehyung hisses, "Did you just...bite me?"

"Mhm, and?"

Taehyung gulps, too ashamed to say he loved it but much too immersed to say he didn't.

"Has anyone ever given you a hickey on your back?"

"N-No, I don't typically allow hickey's."

"You didn't seem opposed to getting one by me."

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