(10) 𝕥ꫀꪀ

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Hey guys, back with this long awaited update. I could totally sit here and explain all the reasons it took me so long, but I'm sure you guys would rather just read the chapter than my flop ass excuses 💀 so carry on.

But before you continue, do yourselves a favor and follow DaydreamAintReal because her books are some of the best books I've read on wattpad and currently the only books I'm reading on wattpad 😂 She updates regularly (unlike me🤡) so you'll have plenty to binge read while you wait for my flop ass to get it together 😂

Okay, thank you for coming to my TED Talk , now enjoy!!💜💜


Jungkook storms back into his shared room with Jimin, not even noticing the older's presence as he kicks his shoes off and continues to mutter frustrations under his breath.

"Hey, thanks for ditching lunch, I never got my fries." Jimin speaks up, grabbing the younger's attention, "Where did you go anyway?"

"Nowhere. It doesn't matter." Jungkook answers tersely.

Jimin looks away from his phone screen, slightly taken aback by Jungkook's sour tone, "Hey, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Jungkook forces a smile only to have it drop seconds later.

"Okay, seriously," Jimin sits up, his piercing gaze scrutinizing every ridge of ill emotion on the younger boy's face, "What's going on? Talk to me," he prods.

Jungkook's eyes travel up to meet Jimin's worried ones and he rids his face just an ounce of vexation before giving in, "You know how you said V is an asshole? You were right."

"Well yeah, but that's old news." Jimin says as a matter of factly, having expected something a little more...more, "Did something else happen between the two of you?" His expression holds a mixture of worry and suspicion.

Jungkook diverts his gaze, not much liking the idea of sharing details of his recent encounter with the asshole he may or may not have begun to fancy. He feels stupid, quite foolish really and the last thing he needs is to advertise his reasons why. "It doesn't matter because it's never happening again."

Jimin's brows knit together, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing." His answer is precipitous, much too hasty not to raise suspicion, "Just...forget I said anything." Jungkook answers in a more cool, calm, and collected manner, in hopes Jimin will feel no further need to pry. While Jungkook may possess an array of talents in many areas, lying is not one of them.

Jimin continues to stare him down, a gentle hum following the slight tilt of his head. Jungkook waits anxiously for Jimin to say something, but the older simply looks away, saying nothing more. Jungkook breathes a quiet sigh of relief before allowing his body to go limp across his bed.

"I know you like him." Jimin voices barely two seconds later and Jungkook mentally facepalms. He spoke too soon.

Now, he could argue that Jimin is being absurd, or that he is reading the entire situation wrong, but what's the point?

Jungkook sighs, sitting up, "What gave me away?"

"You did, just now." Jimin laughs dryly, "I actually wasn't sure, but you've affirmed my suspicions," he shakes his head, not missing his opportunity to glare at the younger disapprovingly.

Jungkook rolls his eyes, mentally cursing himself for so unwittingly giving himself away, "Look, if you're going to lecture me about it- don't. I learned my lesson the hard way. I want nothing more to do with him." Jungkook says seriously but he only partially believes the words leaving his mouth.

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