(39) 𝕥ꫝⅈ𝕣𝕥ꪗ-ꪀⅈꪀꫀ

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Love this pic of Koo 💜

First update of 2023!



It's quick and hot, no patience remaining in either one of them by the time they crawl into the backseat.

Jungkook strips off his jumpsuit and Taehyung wastes no time unzipping just enough to pull his cock out.

Jungkook had his fun on the dancefloor but it is Taehyung who takes control in the car. He stretches him open on two slick fingers while the younger moans into the crook of his neck.

He lazily drags his tongue and lips against the skin there until a slap sends him jolting forward. Jungkook mewls, that and the sound of Taehyung's palm hitting his ass filling the small space effortlessly.

"Think you're ready for me?"

Jungkook responds by gripping Taehyung's cock and grinding down on the head until it nearly breaches his rim.

"I'll take that as a fucking yes," Taehyung cups Jungkook's ass and kneads at the flesh before pulling him down in time with his first thrust.

Jungkook arches his chest into Taehyung, his mouth giving way to a breathless moan. Taehyung holds him there, entranced by the perfect 'O' his swollen lips creates.

After a few seconds for adjustments, he lifts Jungkook's ass and pulls him back down, giving sound to those delicious moans.

Taehyung drinks in the beautiful sight of him. The younger's hazy eyes, bitten lips, gleaming chest and hardened nipples. He pulls one into his mouth, gently sucking and nibbling at it just the way Jungkook loves.

There's not an ounce of alcohol in his system yet he feels so intoxicated. The squeeze around his cock is addicting, making him desperate for more as his hips begin to quicken on their own accord.


"Fuck yes, you feel so good...taking hyung's cock-... so fucking well, baby."

The car shakes with every thrust and Jungkook presses his hand against the fogged up window to steady himself. He almost wishes they weren't, the thought of getting caught exciting him.

"Fuck," Taehyung hisses in pleasure.

Despite Jungkook failing to say the words, Taehyung can hear how close he is by the change in his moans and the fucking tight ass grip nearly squeezing the cum right out of him.

"Don't. Not yet."

He fucks Jungkook fast, fighting to catch up with him but that only makes it harder.

"Can't-...m'cumming." He cries, voice strained as he throws his head back, body going completely rigid before a wave of convulsions wash over him.

"S-sorry," Jungkook cries and Taehyung's cock slips right out in the midst of his erratic movements. Jungkook whines, desperate to be filled again. Despite already cumming, his entire body is still aching with need.

"What did I just say?" Taehyung grabs his cock and shoves it back into him. It jams against his prostate, pulling a wanton moan from his lips.

"You never listen, do you?" Taehyung grunts as he fucks into the same spot over and over again.

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