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Can we please talk about May 5, 2020 cause bitch was iconic 😳

We've made to chapter sex so get your holy water ready you thristy fucks.




Jungkook-ah," Jimin shakes the younger's shoulder repeatedly in order to wake him and Jungkook groans in response, still half asleep, "Mmh, what?"

"Wake up," Jimin hisses once more, now slapping his bare chest repeatedly.

"Please, just five more minutes." Jungkook whines and Jimin rolls his eyes, "No, now, because if I have to listen to another moment of you moaning like a twink, I'm going to chop your dick off. I need my beauty sleep." The older snaps.

"Leave me alone" Jungkook groans tiredly, not fully processing Jimin's words.

"Why? So you can go back to having your wet dream?"

"What? I wasn't having a-" Jungkook begins to protest only to have his sheets ripped off his body. He looks down and there's no denying the large bulge in his trousers.

"Holy shit," Jimin quickly throws the sheet back on him, not expecting him to be so...well...big.

Jungkook quickly turns his back to Jimin, his entire body heating up in embarrassment, "I uh

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Jungkook quickly turns his back to Jimin, his entire body heating up in embarrassment, "I uh...I should probably go...deal with this." He stands up awkwardly and Jimin quickly nods, waving him off. "just... do it quietly." he sighs and Jungkook beelines for the bathroom.

"Hey, and while we're on the topic...who were you dreaming about anyway?" Jimin asks right before Jungkook has a chance to close the door.

Jungkook freezes, "I-I...don't know, probably just some random hot guy." He chuckles nervously and Jimin gives him a strange look before walking off. His lie wasn't very convincing but he's glad Jimin didn't push any further.

Besides, its only partially a lie because while Kim Taehyung may not be random, he is a guy and he's fucking hot. He's also fucking annoying.

Their fight from yesterday landed Jungkook in detention and if that wasn't already bad enough, he still hasn't gotten his phone back. He's still sure Taehyung stole it, but the older will remain innocent until proven guilty, and Jungkook has no proof.

He doesn't know which he wants to do more, punch him in the face or fuck him in the ass. Actually, he does know, but his pride won't let him answer that truthfully.


After taking care of his not so little problem Jungkook couldn't find it in him to fall back asleep. He still has about two hours to kill before classes are in session so he decides to go to the weight lifting room to blow off some steam.

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