(33) 𝕥ꫝⅈ𝕣𝕥ꪗ-𝕥ꫝ𝕣ꫀꫀ

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This photo is a visual representation of my mood while writing this chapter

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This photo is a visual representation of my mood while writing this chapter

Hehe, enjoy! 😏


"Here. The customer at table six ordered an americano." Jungkook tells Yoongi as he hands him the order slip.

"Jungkook wait-"

Jungkook halts in his stride, turning to look at the older expectantly, "Yeah?"

Yoongi hesitates, "Um...how's he doing?"

"How's who-..."Jungkook sighs at the realization of what Yoongi is asking him, "Yoongi, I don't have time for this right now."

"Please just- I need to know. He didn't look so good the last time I saw him. I can tell he's lost weight. Is he eating?"

"I'm not going to help you keep tabs on Jimin. Please hurry with the americano before orders start stacking." Jungkook dismisses before walking away.

Despite high demand during morning rush hour, Jungkook gets through the rest of his shifts smoothly, clocking out and hanging up his apron after a long day. He took a double shift today, seeing as Taehyung is away for the weekend. It's tiring but he prefers to keep himself busy when Taehyung is gone for extended periods of time. It's better than sulking in his bed, wishing the older were there to cuddle with.

Jimin and Hoseok are great company but they're away this weekend for regionals, so It'll just be him tonight.


He hears his name being called over the chime of the doorbell as he exits the cafe. He looks up to find Yoongi sitting on one of the campus benches, ushering for him to come over.

Jungkook furrows his brows, wondering why the older is still here. His shift ended hours ago.

"What are you still doing here? Were you waiting for me?"

"I just want to know how he's doing." Yoongi pleads, "I'd ask Hoseok but he'd just sugarcoat the truth. He tells me what he thinks will make me feel better. I know you'll be candid with me. You're his roommate, you know as good as anyone, so please. I-I've never gone this long without talking to him. He wants me to stay away, so I have been. But it's difficult, not knowing if he's eating, sleeping-"

"Are you?" Jungkook interjects, taking notice to the dark circles beneath his eyes, cheeks lacking their usual fullness.

Yoongi looks down, "Don't worry about me," he mutters, "I just need to know if Jimin is."

Jungkook sighs, taking a seat beside him. From the looks of it, Yoongi can use some good news, something to ease his guilt and inner torment. Jungkook tries his best to find a fair balance between the uncensored truth and Jimin's privacy.

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