(37) 𝕥ꫝⅈ𝕣𝕥ꪗ-ડꫀꪜꫀꪀ

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No, but real talk, Jikook would EAT this choreography up 🥵



"What was that comment you made earlier about counting your spanks? Great Idea." Taehyung pulls Jungkook over his lap.

His hand smooths over Jungkook's ass, itching to turn the milky skin red. He kneads at the thick flesh, pulling it apart to watch it jiggle at release. Then he pulls his hand back and strikes hard, yanking a surprised yelp from Jungkook.

"That's one. Lose count and we'll start from zero."

Jungkook jolts forward with the force of another spank, again, again and again.

"Six!" Jungkook gasps, teeth sinking into his fists as he battles the urge to scream.

Taehyung strikes his ass a few more times, one coming right after the other without a moment to recover from the last. And this time, Jungkook does scream, hand reaching back to soothe the ache but Taehyung shoves it away, "How many?"

Jungkook gnaws on his trembling lip, unsure of himself, "T-ten I thi-"

Jungkook screeches when Taehyung's palm comes down on him again. Hard.

"And that's one."

"No, no, no, please-"

Taehyung strikes twice more without hesitation.

Tears spring to Jungkook's eyes as he bites back a grunt.

"How many?"

"Hyung plea-"

"We could do this all night. You know I'm good for that." Taehyung growls and Jungkook shakes his head, eyes pleading.

"So answer my question."


"Four!" Jungkook hisses at the sharp sting.

The spanks continue, each one harder than the last. Sheets twist and Jungkook's fist, his words hardly decipherable between gasps. His thighs squeeze together with the force of every impact.

It shouldn't feel this good when it hurts so bad but every spank leaves a delicious sting that just won't stop clinging to his skin. Every time he thinks Taehyung can't hit him any harder, he proves him wrong. The spanks get harder and so does his cock.





Taehyung brings his hand to Jungkook's bruised cheeks and the younger flinches, ass clenched in anticipation.

"Relax," Taehyung reassures him. Jungkook shakes in quiet sobs, lifting his face from the duvet and leaving behind evidence of tears and saliva.

Taehyung alleviates the sting with his warm caresses, lulling Jungkook to a pacified state. And maybe he gets a little lost in it, absentmindedly brushing his fingertips over the younger's balls and fondling them.

He feels it then. The twitch. The evidence of Jungkook's arousal hot and heavy against his thigh. His movements cease, eyes locked on the younger's cock.


"W-What?" Jungkook lifts his chest from the bed, peering back in curiosity but Taehyung pushes him back down.

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