(8) ꫀⅈᧁꫝ𝕥

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Let's talk about how breathtaking Agust D looks here 😍

What's your favorite track on D-2?
(Mine is 'Burn it' 🔥🔥🔥)

Still waiting for Jungkook's mixtape ngl 🤣



'Aggravated', 'Irritated', 'Irked', 'Annoyed'...however many adjectives there are to express that someone is pissed, Taehyung is feeling all of them right now.

I mean, how many times is Jungkook going to touch BamBam's leg, laugh at his not even funny jokes and well...completely ignore Taehyung as if he doesn't exist?! Perhaps Taehyung shouldn't care, considering he is the one who rejected Jungkook, but shit, he didn't expect the younger to move on so damn fast.

Jungkook hasn't paid him even one glance since he came to class and Taheyung can't help but feel a little bothered by that. And by 'a little' I mean 'a lot'. He's been watching Jungkook flirt with BamBam all class and it's driving him insane.

"Oh, you have a little..." Jungkook starts to say and Bambam looks up from his canvas to glance at the younger.

"Let me get it for you," Jungkook leans into Bambam before gently removing what looks to be...absolutely nothing from a strand of his hair. Bambam smiles appreciatively and Jungkook giggles like a fucking school girl talking to their crush.

A muscle twitches involuntarily at the corner of Taehyung's eye, his mouth forming a rigid grimace. With arms folded tightly over his broad chest he taps his foot furiously in hopes to get the younger's attention, but once again, Jungkook pays him zero fucks.

Finally deciding that he's had enough, Taehyung stands and moves to sit in the empty seat beside Jungkook. He scoots his seat closer than necessary and for the first time all class, Jungkook locks eyes with him.

"I couldn't see the board all that well from back there," Taehyung lies effortlessly and Jungkook diverts his gaze to the front of the classroom, seemingly in search of something, "There are three empty seats towards the front." He simpers, brows raised at the older expectantly.

Taehyung stares back at him, his jaw slightly clenching, "Thanks...but I'm good here." he says through gritted teeth, and Jungkook shrugs with a slight roll of his eyes before turning back to BamBam. Jungkook continues to immerse himself in conversation with the older, not caring for Taehyung's subtle attempts at getting his attention.

"Hey, do you mind? I can't really focus with the two of you yapping up a storm over there," Taheyung suddenly snaps and Jungkook slowly turns around to face him, "Kinda sounds like a 'you' problem. I mean, I don't hear anyone else complaining." he ushers to the rest of the class.

"Yeah well I highly doubt anyone here is actually enjoying the sound of you two flirting with each other-" Taehyung narrows his eyes.

"We're minding our own damn business, perhaps you should mind yours."

"And perhaps you should stick the paintbrush up your-"

"I'm sorry, do the two of you need to separate?" Mrs. Song stands up from her desk, arms crossed over her chest. By now, the two of them have managed to become the center of attention, everyone either looking right at them or listening in on them bicker.

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