(11a) ꫀꪶꫀꪜꫀꪀ (ꪖ)

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I will never stop talking about Vmin's difference in hand size 🥺💜

Fun fact: This chapter is almost twice as long as my usual chapters 😗

TRIGGER WARNING: Before you begin reading, be aware, I will be diving into sensitive topics such as Bulimia Nervosa and Depression so if any of those make you uncomfortable or you are in any way triggered by them, please consider waiting for Chapter 11 (option B) where I will be giving a watered down (non-triggering) explanation of what happened in this chapter.

Other than that, I hope you enjoy!


"Risk him finding out what?" Jungkook blurts out, his curiosity getting the best of him.

Jimin meets Jungkook's gaze for the first time in several minutes, the older taking a deep breath as he finds the courage to continue,

"That I was suffering from an eating disorder...Bulimia Nervosa," Jimin's voice comes out strained, almost as if he had to force the words out.

"...oh." Jungkook blinks, not knowing how else to respond to such news. He doesn't want to come off as insincere but Jimin has completely caught him off guard.

Sensing the younger's apprehension, Jimin gives his thigh a gentle squeeze, "don't worry, I'm fine now but...I wasn't then."

One year ago...

Another involuntary gag lurches at the back of Jimin's throat and he heaves and heaves until there is nothing but an empty pit in his stomach. His body goes limp across the toilet, no longer having the energy to hold himself upright. It's been a while since he'd last done this to himself and he forgot how drained it always made him feel afterwards.

He'd been doing so well, eating smaller portions, working out before and after his meals, he was actually starting to see results...but not fast enough. His cheeks are still too chubby, his abs aren't tight enough, his thighs are still too thick for his liking and he despises the things he can't change about himself all the more. His height, his petite body structure, everything down to the pathetic size of his hands.

A firm knock on the bathroom door pulls him from his thoughts, "Jimin, are you in there?" His best friend's worried voice seems to grant him enough energy to force himself to his feet, "Y-Yeah, I'm just-...I'll be out in a second."

Jimin flushes the toilet before sauntering over to the sink and reluctantly peering up at his reflection. Even with the layer of makeup he applied this morning, there is no hiding how incredibly tired he is. He wishes a goodnight's rest could put an end to his fatigue but there's a kind of tiredness that needs a good night's sleep, and another that needs so much more.

Jimin tears his gaze away from his ill reflection and paints on his mask of happiness before exiting the bathroom.

When he does, Taehyung is waiting for him outside the door, "Are you okay?" He asks, a slight edge to his voice.

Jimin opens his mouth to spin the same lie he's been spinning for weeks now but he hardly gets a syllable out before his roommate interrupts him, "-and don't say you're fine. I know you're not fine, Jimin." Taehyung's gaze burns so intensely into Jimin's, he fears he may shatter under the pressure of it.

"Well then what do you want me to say, If not the truth?" Jimin laughs dryly.

He's grown accustomed to lying when it came to answering that deceiving question. Everyone likes to ask if he's okay but hardly anyone seeks the real answer. They just ask out of courtesy. He doubts any of them actually want to sit down and listen to his pathetic problems. There's only ever been a select few people in his life who wanted the raw and honest answer to that question and while Taehyung may be one of them, he's not willing to burden him with his issues.

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