(5) ᠻⅈꪜꫀ

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"Ahh- f-fuck." Taehyung hisses under his breath, biting his lip to suppress his needy moans. He jerks his hand back and forth rapidly, the hot steamy droplets of water from the shower adding lubrication. "Mhm- ahh," he continues to stroke his member, the pleasure from his hand working wonders.

After the gym incident, Taehyung didn't even bother getting changed in the guy's locker room, he just grabbed his duffel bag and ran. He ran all the way to his dorm and wasted no time stripping off his pesky fabrics.

He needed immediate relief and the shower was often a great place for taking care of his not so little problems. All it took was a little imagination.

Taehyung closes his eyes and lets his wild thoughts take him to a new high...

Jungkook takes a firm hold around the base of my shaft, guiding it to the tip into his mouth. His bright doe-eyes flutter up to catch my gaze and that alone sends a shock of pleasure radiating up my spine.

He wraps his cherry pink lips around me and keeps his eyes on mine as he gives it a tentative lick. His eyes soon flutter shut as he moans gently in content, his tongue continuing to glide around me.

His continuous teasing leaves me insatiable, so I thrust my hips forward, wanting to feel more of him. Jungkook widens his opening, taking more of me in. "Fuck baby, yes...just like that," I groan out, an immense surge of pleasure taking over me.

My words seem to encourage him and he proceeds to bob his head back and forth, his godly hands massaging my balls. My moans fly out uncontrollably as I thrust my hips forward to meet him in the middle.

I feed my shaft closer to the back of his convulsing throat and his eyes begin to tear up. The mere sight nearly sends me over the edge.

I throw my head back and allow my eyes to shut as I enjoy the sound of his muffled moans and the deep vibrations they send against my tip.

I know I'll cum soon and I can't wait to see the way he wears my-


Taehyung's eyes shoot open in an instant and he jolts back, hitting the tiled wall of the shower. His breathing is ragged, images of Jungkook's wide and teary eyes while his dick was stuffed down his throat filling his mind.

He shakes his head in an attempt to shake them away but they stick like the most industrial glue known to man...Taekook.

He can't even begin to explain why he just spent the last couple minutes fantasizing about Jungkook of all people and he's even more baffled by the fact that he liked it. No, he more than liked it. The mere thought of Jungkook wrapped around him like that brought him more pleasure than he's ever known and that scares the living blue balls off of him.

Speaking of blue balls... Taehyung is still in dire need of a release right now and although he knows who he will see when he closes his eyes, he can't find it in him to give a fuck. He just wants to cum for fuck's sake.

So without a care in the world, he lets his imagination run wild, not caring to block out all the sinful images or muffle out his lustful moans of the younger's name. All he cares about is how euphoric it feels to finally reach his high.

...well that's until ten minutes later when he's pacing around his room, freaking out because he actually just came at the thought of Jungkook.

He racks his mind for some kind of an excuse, some kind of explanation but he only ever circles back to how incredible it felt and how he'd do it again...and again...and-

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