💣 13

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Jimin's pov

I woke up in Jungkook's room. I sat up and looked around. Jungkook wasn't here. I had a dream. Jungkook is my bunny. Why did it felt so real?

I was going to take out my locket but stopped when I saw it's in my hand. When did I took it off? Then, my other hand reached to feel around my neck.

I froze.

Wait. Its till on me. So... that's mean..

Memories from last night dumped on me.

It's real! I'm not dreaming!

I looked around the room. Jungkook was no where in the room. I saw a piece of note on the nightstand. I pick it up. Its from Jungkook. He said he is in the office if I need him.

I smiled. He care so much about me. I read the bottom of the note. My smile grew wider.

'-from your lovely Bunny♡'

Cute. I can't believe he's the one.

I smiled. I can't believe he is a mafia. How did he became one? I have so much questions to ask him. I guess I may just ask him later. I slowly stood up from the bed gripping the nightstand beside me. I stable myself before walking to the bathroom with the help of the wall. I still can't walk properly because I didn't use to walk since I was in the basement. They would just dragged me and throw me like a garbage. I shook my head not wanting to remember it anymore.

My ankles didn't hurt anymore but my legs still weak. But I had gained some strength on them these days. Basically, Jungkook would just lift me and brought me around. He didn't want me to walk on my own. As I reach the bathroom, I was out of breath. I'm tired already. I decide to have a warm bath and relaxing my muscles.

After bath, I saw a bathrobe on the corner and wear it since I didn't bring any clothes with me. I've been wearing Jungkook clothes these days cuz I dont have my own. He said that he will bring me to the mall once I recovered.

I walked out of the bathroom to be met with Jungkook. He turned to me as he hear me. He just stand there starring at me. Not gonna lie his stares make me feel shy. "Jungkook." I called. He blinked and looked at me. "Uhmm Jungkook? Can you bring some clothes for me? I don't have any." "Ah yes. Wait a sec." He walk into his walk in closet and pick a black hoodie and a shorts. He walked out and handed them to me. I thanked him and closed the bathroom door to change.

I finish changing and walked out. I saw him sitting on the bed with his phone. I slowly walked to him. He turned looking at me and walked to me. Then he suddenly lifted me up earning a yelp from me. I blushed and hid in his neck. "I-I can do it myself you know." I heard him chuckled. "Lets go downstairs. Jin hyung cooked some meals." I nod. He adjusted hus arms under his thighs before carrying me downstairs.

I leaned to him and looked at his face as he walk. His arms are very comfortable. I miss him very much. I want to know more. Anything that I have missed these years. I want to to be happy with him. I want to spend time with him.

I want to love him once again.



I snapped from my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah?"

"We are here." Jungkook said. I looked around. Seeing we are in the kitchen. The others are here too. Looking all worried. Jungkook sat me on the chair between him and Jin. "Are you okay Jimin? We've been calling you for a minute now." Jin hyung ask. "Yeah hyung. I just thinking something." I smiled. "Okay..how about your ankle? Is it still hurt?" He ask. "No hyung but they are still weak. I still can't walk properly since I didn't used to walk before." He nodded.

"Okay then. Lets eat guys."

"Jimin." Jungkook called.


"We would want to talk something with you after this."

"O-oh okay." For some reason. I feel nervous. What they want to talk about?

I guess I'll just find out later...

What kind of talk they want to talk with me?

Mafia's Love (JiKook) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now