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*My apologies, this is my first time writing mature scene.🙇🙇🙇🙏🙏🙏

Jimin's pov

I laid on the cold floor curling up as much as I can. I can feel the temperature drop assuming it's night time now. The room doesn't have any window, like it used to be when I was here last time. My wrists hurt so much from the tight cuffs and my shoulders sore being in this position for a long time.

I didn't struggled against the bound because I know I can't. Master is so much powerful than me. Even I freed from this, I won't make it out alive. I cried thinking about the members. Did they notice me missing? Do they search for me?

My eyes widened thinking about Jin-hyung. Is he okay?? The door suddenly opened revealing 'Master'. "You're awake huh." He said walking up to me. I didn't speak anything as he unchained me from the wall, still keeping the cuffs on me. "Get up." I obeyed right away. He dragged me out of the room and into the hallway.

I panicked seeing the familiar door. He smirked before opening the door and pushed me into the room forcedly causing me to fall. I yelped as my body hit the floor then my hair being grabbed harshly forcefully making me looked up. I teared up from the pain on my scalp.

Master chuckled. "What a beautiful view. Really for your present, babyboy?" I shook my head. "N-no p-please n- AHH." He yanked me up by hair. "A slut like you do not have the right to reject your master. Do you understand?!" He yelled. "Y-yes-" He slapped me. "Yes WHO?!"

"Y-yes M-master." My body shook as I let my tears fall sobbing. "Good boy." I whimpered as he threw me on the single bed at the middle of the dark room face first. He force me on my knees back-facing him. I felt something tighten, almost choking around my neck realizing he put a collar on me. I gasped when he tugged on the collar from back with the leash choking me as my head tilted upwards.

I feel his breath ghosting next to my ear. "Now let's give your present." He started to undress my pants making me down naked. "N-no." I struggled in his hold only to be choked more by him tugging the leash. His other hand pointing a knife against my neck. "Don't you dare move." I whimpered stopping my actions.

He backed away and roughly pushed me back onto the bed. He uncuffed my wrist but before I could do anything, he slipped my shirt off before turning me on my back pinning both my hand above my head. "Tch tch tch, you've been a bad boy huh. I guess you need some punishment, slut." I moved under his hold.

"Please n-no p-please." I sobbed completely naked under him. I thought this year's birthday I wouldn't see him anymore but now I'm completely begged for his mercy like I do every year. Bearing his so called 'birthday presents' which is only to satisfy him.

"I love seeing you beg." He laughed then tied my wrists to the bed post. I flinched as he slapped my thigh when I tried to close them. He roughly spread them apart and tied up to each side of the bed. He stood up admiring my exposed body licking his lips.

"Let's have some fun shall we?"



My cries echoed through out the basement room as he drew more cuts on my stomach and arms. Not too big but enough to draw blood little by little. Blood staining the bedsheet underneath me as I breathing heavily. Bloodshot eyes pooling with tears looking at the ceiling.

Please Jungkook help me please.

My thoughts interrupted by shooting pain on my thigh. I sucked up breath looking at Master with leather whip in his hand. "Thinking about your boyfriend huh? Tch, he won't find you. Who would want a pathetic slut like you, hm?" He laughed whipping me again hard.

I flinched everytime as he whipped me until my thighs are red and purple bruises formed. I pulled on the restraint from the pain panting. Then the whipping stopped and sound of things dropped onto the floor.

I squirmed as I saw him stripped his pants.

"Now to the main part." He smirked.


"AHHHH JUNGKOOKK H-help me!!." I sobbed loudly pulling on the restraint as Master slammed himself into me dryly after untying my legs spreading them apart and going deeper. Tears flowing down my face as I cried out in pain. Everything's hurt. I feel like ripping apart. I could bet blood coming out from my entrance as he pushed in.

"You like it huh? Such a slut." He roughly trusted in me. "P-please no *sob* s-stop please *sob*" I keep pulling my hands that I could tell there are bruises on my wrist. I cried out as he's going faster. "Fuck! You're so good. I'm going to cum!"

"N-no. P-please." I gasped as I feel him released inside me. My body flinched as he harshly pulled out before kneeling on top of me facing his member in front of my face. I could see his cum mixed with my blood. "Suck it slave." I shook my head away.

I yelped as he grabbed my hair forcing his member in my mouth fucking it. I can taste the disgusting taste of the cum and blood in my mouth. He roughly mouth-fucking me making me gagged but his grip on my hair preventing me from moving.

He groaned as he cummed again into my mouth. As I about to spit it, the grabbed my neck. "Swallow it." He command. I shook my head crying. He pulled out a gun pointing at my forehead. "Now." I quickly nodded before forcing myself to swallow the disgusting liquid.

I panted heavily as he got up from the bed and going somewhere. My mind was too hazy and eyes blurry with tears as I'm at the edge of passing out. My body jolted as I felt something big pushed into my entrance and a pair of hands on my crotch with a tight feeling around it.

Master untied my wrists from the bed but tied them back behind me. I caught a glimpse of my crotch seeing a metal like thing around it. Master smirked seeing my confused yet scared face. "It's called a cock cage and ring to prevent you from cumming."

Why would I?

Before I could process anything, I felt a weird vibration in me as my body jolted away. Master laughed evilly. "I put a butt plug in you so you would keep my cum in. Also, it's not just a plug but a vibrating ones."

I looked at him horrified. He laughed. "Now suffer then till tomorrow." He walked towards the door before exiting it and lock it leaving me to squirming and gasping uncomfortably against the sheets.

For about a few minutes later, my body give up as I passed out from the pain and cold. This is the worst 'birthday presents' (Master's term of punishment and torture) over the years Master had given me.

Save me, Kookie. I need you please.


Poor Jiminie😢 I'm sorry to make him suffer like that.😭🙏

I'm sorry for the lows in my writing. This is my first time writing mature scene ever in my life.

I've tried my best writing this even sacrifice my sleep for you guys. Because I love you guys and I'm so thankful for you to read my books.

I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please don't be silent and vote and comment about your thoughts in the story.


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