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Jungkook's pov

It's been a week and I'm getting frustrated because we didn't have any leads on where Jimin could be. We already know that Lee was behind all of this. We knew he only wants Jimin's body. That fucking asshole. I'll rip his head for sure. He better not touching my baby. My thoughts interrupted when one of my man came in.

"Boss, someone is at the front gate. He said he wanted to meet you." I furrowed. "Do you know who is he?" The man shook his head. "No sir, he's wearing a mask and hat. We couldn't recognize him as he refused to remove them. He said he will only remove it when he meet you."

Jungkook sighed. "Bring him in and call the others to join me." The man bowed and walked out. After a few minutes, the other hyungs came in. "You called us, sir?" Namjoon spoke. "Have a sit hyungs. We have a guest." They all settled on the couches in Jungkook's office. "Who?" Jin asked.

They been forced Jin to just rest but he was stubborn to help. His speech had been improving and he didn't stutter anymore. He just now talked a bit slow and late than usual. He got some headaches sometimes but it's not bad. He wore a cast over his left wrist as it was sprained from the incident.

Back to story..

Before Jungkook answered, a man in black came in with the guards. He had a mask and hat on. "Have a sit." Jungkook spoke and dismissed his guards. Once the man sat, he ask. "Who are you and what brings you here?"

"I want to talk to you about something." The man spoke. Jungkook doesn't seem interested but then, the man continues. "About a boy named Jimin, Park Jimin." He then removed his mask and hat.


Jimin's pov

I stayed in the room Jihoon bring me in every night instead of sleeping in the basement room but it wasn't help me getting away from Minho. He would bring me to the basement at noon till night to play with me. Then Jihoon would bring me back in the room after that. Well at least I got some time to relax. Minho keep using me everyday that my body felt numb.

Jihoon was taking care of me since then. He gave me food and treated my wounds. I don't even know why he did this but his name really feels familiar to me.
I know I shouldn't trust him but he's the only one who is kind to me. I just feel safe with him.

I laid bare on the basement's bed, staring at the ceiling. I snapped out from my daze as the door opened and Jihoon came in. He had a glass of water in his hand. "Hey, Minnie." I just looked at him. He helped me lean against the wall and gave me the water to drink. He gave me a small smile. "I'll prepare the bath." Then he went into the bathroom.

After all the countless torture the mafia leader gave me, I've become lifeless. I barely talk and just let Jihoon do whatever he needs by bathing, clothing, feeding and treating me. He seems like a brother with a parenting figure. Almost like my mom. I teared up by the thoughts of my parents and family.

I cut my thoughts as Jihoon came in. "Here, let's go." I nodded as he picked me up to the bathroom. I had no energy to walk myself. I sighed as the warm water make the contact with my bruises body. I leaned on the bathtub while Jihoon washed me. I closed my eyes as I felt sleepy.

Then I unknowingly fell asleep.

I miss you Jungkook-ah... I need you...

Someone's pov

"Don't worry, Jimin. You will be safe soon. You won't suffer anymore. I'm sorry for leaving but now that I'm here, I will do anything to help."


Author's pov

"Mhm! Mhmm!"

Muffled cries echoed throughout the basement room. Jimin had his both hands tied above his head. Blindfold and a gag covered his eyes and mouth. He lied naked as his body being tortured and abused by Minho. His legs were lift and spread apart tied to the headboard while the older was raping him.

The mafia leader was hitting him with the leather whip, painting his body with bruises with each trusts. "Such a beautiful body, slut. You like that, huh?" He tugged on the nipple clam's chain making the poor boy hissed from the pain.

Jimin felt something in him and realized that Minho had released in him...again. He was exhausted and already feeling himself fainting anytime now. The leader pulled out of him. The gag has been removed from his mouth letting him take some deep breaths as he went limp on the bed.

Suddenly he gasped at a sudden stretching feeling in his hole spreading him wider. His blindfold and rope around his legs loosened and been removed. He blinked adjusting at the bright light. He looked at Minho with hooded eyes. "You know I like to keep my them in you right? Don't worry it's just a bit bigger than usual. Well, I have fun. See you tonight slave." Minho smirked before walking out of the basement, locking it.

Then the only Jimin see was darkness...

Jimin woke up a few hours later feeling dehydrated. It was weird as Jihoon wasn't here yet to help him and give him a little food in the evening. He was sure it's almost night time already and Minho would come later. He waited for a few minutes but still no sounds of someone coming. Something unusual was happening.

Though, Jimin was relieved Minho hasn't come but he's worried about Jihoon. Jihoon was the only person who was close and kind to him. His thoughts get cut as he was startled by a loud 'bang' sounds but flinched by the sudden move of the butt plug in him pressing his inside.

Ouchh. Damn, this shitty plug really bigger than usual. But...what is that sound?

He slowly rolled to his side. He brought his tied hands over his stomach, feeling hungry and dehydrated. His eyes were dropping. He had gotten a bit skinny. Sure he ate the food Jihoon gave him but he didn't really eat much in this type of place. He wants Jin's cooking at the mansion with others where he could eat happily without any worries.

This thoughts make him teared up.

Suddenly, the door burst open startling him. His eyes widened as he saw..


Hello I'm back! Anyone missed me? No? Okay. (⁠个⁠_⁠个⁠)

Good luck Jin for your enlistment... We ARMYs will be always waiting for you🫂


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