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JM's pov

The next day I woke up feeling a soft mattress under me. I slowly lifted my eyes to see myself on a comfy bed in an unfamiliar room. I struggled to sat on the bed slowly not to hurt myself and scanned the room. Memories from last night came dumped on me. I shivered in fear.

The man. Maybe he's the one who brought me here. Wait, he's a Mafia too right?!

I notice I wore a different clothes, a t-shirt and a shorts, and my injuries been cleaned and bandaged. I saw a woman opened the door. She looks like a maid judging by her attire. She gasped looking at me and walk out of the room. After a good five minute or so, the man from before came into the room. He looked more intense than before. "I see you are awake. How are you feeling?"

He asked walking to me. His dominant aura obviously he's the boss. I scoot backwards in fear and winched as the headboard pressing onto my back. He sat at the edge of the bed as he notice my discomfort. "What's your name?" He asked. His voice send shivers down my spine. I debating with myself weather I should answer. Nonetheless I did because I don't want to be punished.

"J-Jimin." My voice came out as a whisper but still an be heard. I don't looked at him as fear took over me. I don't know who is he. I don't know where I am or why am I here. "Jimin, hum..nice name." I blushes a little. "I'm Jeon Jungkook. Nice to meet you." As he said that, my head snapped to him and my eyes widen. You mean THE JEON JUNGKOOK?! Don't underestimate my knowledge. Even I live in basement, I always hear about him. He is ruthless and heartless Mafia boss.

But back to the story.

"J-Jeon J-Ju-Jungk-kook?" I stutered as my body shook in fear. OMG! Is he going to kill me? Is he going to use me like the other mafia? Argh I don't know! I stayed away from him a little. "P-please do-don't h-hurt m-me. L-let me g-go. I'll d-do anything y-you want. " I stuttered as I cried getting on my knees and bowed. Ignoring all the pain on my body as I moved. Tears leaving my eyes as I keep my head low.

He reach my hand towards me. I flinch and shut my eyes waiting to maybe a punch or slap but never came. Instead, I feel a hand lifting my head and another thumb caress my cheek, wiping my tears. I slowly opened my eyes and stared at him. He had a smile on. "Shh, I'm not gonna hurt you. You're save here. I promise." His voice was so soft that I stopped crying but sniffing softly. He wipe the rest of my tears with his thumb and smiled at me.

His smile warmed my heart. He looked like a bunny. I lean on his touch and he slowly hugged me. I tense a little but allowed him. I burry my face to his chest and sniffled his sense. It somehow calmed me. "T-thank you." My voice sounded muffled to his shirt. He ran his hand to my hair.

He pulled me from the hug and smiled. "I have some works to do. A maid will send you some food later. Make sure you eat okay?" I hesistant but nod my head. "Good." He stood up and walked to the door but turend back to lean a kiss on my forehead and walk back to the door. I turned into dark pink and stuffed my face to the pillow. I think he notice cuz I heard him chuckle and walk out.

Later, there's a knock on the door and a maid came with a tray. She put it on the nightstand and I mouthed thank you to her. She smiled before walked out. I looked at the food. I really don't want to eat but I don't want to upset the Mafia boss and I really starving now. I took a bite and loving how it taste and ended finish them all. I felt really tired. I slowly sled in the covers not to hurt my back and decide to sleep more. The bed is so comfortable anyway.

Then I went to the dream land with a smile on my face.

Mafia's Love (JiKook) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now