💣 11

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I'm back hohoho😆

Jimin's pov

Flashbacks repeatedly attack my mind.

A 8 years old me ran around the park not noticing I was far from my parents. I ran untill I reach the end of the park. I looked around only to see that I was alone. Tears built in my eyes as I was about to cry. "Mummy? Dad?" I cried as I didn't see them everywhere. There wasn't many people in the park but since it was huge, I was alone.

"Hey, you okay?"

I turned around to see a boy standing behind me. I sniffled and looked at him. "Hey, you okay? What's your name?" He asked. I opened my mouth but then remembered my mothers said. "M-mummy said not to tell someone I don't know." I already stopped crying by now. He smiled. "My dad told the same but I want to friend you. Can you just tell me your nickname? You can call me Bunny."

I giggled. "Heyy what's funny!" He pouted. "You do looked like a bunny though." He laughed. "Chimmy, you can call me Chim." I said reaching out my hand.




"When will you moving?" I asked feeling sad. "Tomorrow." He looked at me. "Why?" "My father got new work in Seoul." "Ooh." I looked down. He cupped my cheeks. "I promise we will meet again. I'll look for you."

Next day..

"Here, have this." He gave me a locket necklace. I looked at it. "Open it." I opened it and there's something writen in it. 'Bunny♡ Chim'. I squelled. "It's our name!" I smiled at him. "I also have mine." He showed a same locket on his neck. "One day, we'll met again. I want us to keep this and I want to be with you again." He said. I really want to cry. Today he'll move to Seoul with his parents.

"Honey, we need to go!" I heard his mom said.

"Okay mom!" He shouted back.

He looked back at me. He came hugged me. "We'll see again."

"Remember my promise that we will meet again. By that time comes, I want you to be mine."

Flashback end

Jungkook is my bunny.

I can't belive it. He was with me all this time.

My chest tightened. I can't breath.

Jungkook's pov

I woke up by some sound of crying and breathing. I touched to my side but I can't find Jimin. Where did he go? The breathing sound got louder then it hit me. I sit up straight to see Jimin was on the floor clutching on his chest crying.


I rushed to his side and hug him letting him cried on my chest. "Hey hey. Shh, it's okay. Breath." I played with his hair knowing that will calm him but eventually not. "Jimin baby I need you to breath with me please." I hold his hand to my chest. "Follow my breath, okay? 1..2..3..slowly...breath in and out. He followed my instructions and we keep doing that until he calmed down. "Good boy. You're doing great, Min." I pulled him towards me and keep rubbing his back as he is still crying. He kept mumbling something which I can't caught. I lean to him to hear what it was.


He kept repeating it over and over which I can't really understand why. Until he said something that caught me off guard.


I looked at him.


He showed me a locket in his hand and the same around his neck. How can't I saw it before? Wait, the locket is mine. How did he get it? It only have two copy of it.


Bunny? Only one person who called me that. Why was he- wait! This mean..


He looked at me, nodding tears streaming down his cheeks. "I-It's me." He said between cries. I hug him closer. "It's you." "I miss you." He whispered. "I miss you too." I kiss his hair. "I-I miss you so much, Chim." Tears flowing in my eyes. We melt in each other embraces. We stayed there for a while. Then, I notice Jimin was falling asleep.

He must be tired because of the panic attack and crying earlier.

I pick him up and lay him on the bed. His eyes puffy from crying to much.

I stared at his sleeping figure. He really my chimmy. He still has the same face. No wonder I fell in love with him when I first saw him. No wonder his name seems familiar to me. What happen to him? Why did he even in the basement? Remembering about what happened to him in the there making my blood boil.

How dare someone hurt him!

It's been years since I went on search for him. I better ask him later not to pressure him in this condition right now.

Since it still early in the morning, I laid beside him and hug him close.

I finally find him. I won't loose him again.

But what happen to Park Mafia??


Hehe..a twist??

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