💣 34

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(Second last chapter)

Jimin's pov

Months had passed by and it's been a year since I started living with them. It's happy to say that many good things had happened during the period. Jungkook had been doing better. He could walk normally now without any support. His speeches were also doing good. He could talk without stuttering anymore but only with a low voice. However it's still a good improvement.

Our days had been better and not a single day I didn't fall deeper for Jungkook. He was the light in my darkness. He gave me love that I craved so much. He gave me a family who loves me so much as a brother, a son and as a lover.

I love waking up in his arms every morning, looking at his handsome face. I have been wondering what deeds that I did in the past that God sent this loving man to me. I smiled caressing his sleeping face. My nightmares? They had been long gone from my mind. There's nothing to hide anymore. The past truth had been revealed.

I got to know the truth of my family. Honestly I was shocked but I'm not afraid anymore. Not when Jungkook was next to me. He gave me strength. The strength to never give up on life.

Jungkook had gotten back to work and the hyungs were there to help him. Not wanting him to overwork. I smiled seeing their bond with each other as a family. My family. With the help of Jungkook, Jihoon had rebuild the Park Mafia gang as the true heir of the gang. They both had signed a deal and joined hands just like our parents did in the past.

Jihoon went back to Busan but he said he would visit me sometimes.

I was drying my hair in front of the mirror, so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I was startled but relaxed knowing it's just my boyfriend, my Jungkook. He placed his chin on my shoulder staring deeply at me in the mirror. "Good morning." He said in his raspy morning voice.

"G-good morning." I gasped as he began to leave wet kisses along my neck. I lowly moaned, tilting my head a little as he bit and suck on the flesh. For a good minute, he stopped. I was breathless. He kissed and nosed on the hickey he had made there.

He turned me around facing him. I put my palm on his chest, blushing madly noticing he was shirtless. He pressed me to his chest with his one hand on my waist and the other roaming up under my shirt. I shivered as I felt his warm hand on my back.

He leaned down until our faces just an inch apart. "Would you allow me to, baby?" He whispered. I just closed my eyes. I guess he got it as I felt his breath on my lips before being connected to each other. I gripped my hands on his shoulder as he kissed me hardly.

I tilted my head kissing back just as much. I felt his hand on my waist trailed down into my pants and gripped on my ass. I moaned in the kiss allowing Jungkook to insert his tongue in my mouth exploring every inch of me.

About two minutes, we both pulled out connecting our forehead as we panted for air. Jungkook smiled pecking my lips once again. "You're beautiful." I blushed went to hid my face on his chest but my blush deepens noticing he was...hard.

He laughed before parting our bodies. "I'm going to get ready for office now hum? I will meet you later okay, sweetheart." He pecked my cheeks as I nodded. He smiled before went to the bathroom.

Oh that man, he's driving me crazy. This was thing that I love about Jungkook. He never does anything to me without my consent. He always ask my consent before making out with me. At first it's just us kissing and got into more touching each other after.

We never got too far during make out since I felt like I'm not ready yet and Jungkook was very respectful for that. He said that he wanted our first time to be special and was willing to wait as much as it takes.

Mafia's Love (JiKook) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now