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"yahhh! Chim!"

"Kookie Bunnyy!!"

Both kids were running towards each other. The mochi boy tackled the bunny boy to the ground. Laughters filled in the air.

"Yahhh you bad Bunny where did you go?! You didn't visit me yesterday." The mochi boy pouted earning a chuckle from the other. "Sorry Chim my father have some work yesterday so we can't met." He laughed pinching the boy's cheeks.

"Oh Chim, I came with someone. He's my friend too. He's a year older though. He would love to meet you."

The mochi boy's eyes glowed at the boy's sentence.

"Really?! Yeayyy I have more friends!" He beamed.

The bunny boy chuckled. "I'm sure you will like him. He's with appa- oh he's here. Tae!"

The said boy smile and walked to the two boys. "Hey guys." He waved.

"I'm Tae-"
"You look like an alien. Can I call you that?" He gives his doe eyes to the boy.

"Haha sure Chimchim."

Jimin's pov

Ugh my head hurts. What was that? My memories were coming back. Now I remember why Tae looked familiar to me. He's also my childhood friend.


My alien

My soulmate

I woke up with a familiar ceiling above me. I squinted my eyes looking around me. Oh I'm in my room. I looked outside the window. It's getting dark outside. 5.30p.m. Jin-hyung probably getting dinner ready. Ugh I guess I've been sleeping the whole day and skipping lunch. I'm hungry. I have eaten a little bit at breakfast because I'm still wasn't used to eating. My stomach can't handle much food.

I sat up on the bed. Jungkook wasn't here. I slowly getting off the bed and walked towards the door with the support of the wall. I peaked at the hallway to see no one was there. I slowly started to walk down to stairs. One step per minute and my legs started to feel weak as I almost get to bottom. I heard murmuring near the living room. I followed it until I was in front of hyungs rooms.

Only Jungkook and me have our rooms upstairs while the others were downstairs. I saw the others were standing in front of a door which I assumed Tae's room. Hobi hyung was leaning against the door talking to whoever in there.

I walked straight to them. Jungkook noticed me first. He gasped earning other's attention. He quickly came to me and picked me up. I snuggled to his neck as I sighed inhaling his scent. My my legs were throbbing right now and I know I will have an earful of Jin hyung's lectures later.

"Baby, you could just called for me." Jungkook frowned. I can tell he's worried. "Sorry Kookie." I whispered looking at him. He sighed. "Ok don't do it again. Are your legs hurt, bun?" He asked. I looked down playing with my fingers nonetheless I slowly nod my head pouting slightly. He sighed again. "You're stubborn are you hm?" He chuckled. He brought me closer to the others.

"Jin hyung."

"Yes Jungkook."

"Could you please check on Jimin later?"


I looked up noticing Hobi hyung's and Suga hyung's worries on their face. I noticed Tae wasn't here either so maybe he's the one locked in the room.

"Taebear, open the door please baby. It's not your fault please. Open up Tae." Hobi hyung said as he knocked on the door. I can hear light sniffers at the other side of the door. I frowned not liking this a bit. I tapped Jungkook shoulder and he looked at me. I motioned him to put me down. He want to protested but I cut him.

"I know what to do."

He was hesitate but eventually put me down. I slowly walked to the door as the others watching me. I knocked.


The sound stopped. Silence.

"Tae? It's me Chimchim. May I talk to my alien?" I lightly smile at the memory. We heard some moving sounds in the room then the door clicked as it was unlocked. I looked at others. "I'll talk to him okay." I mouthed to them.

Hobi hyung and Suga hyung sighed. They all nodded and went to do their thing except for Jungkook. I smiled. "I'll be okay Kookie."

He sighed in defeat. "Fine. Call me when you done." I smiled at him then slowly walking into the room.

Author's pov

It's my fault.

It's my fault.

Ever since Jimin fainted, Taehyung kept on blaming himself for that. So he locked himself in his room. The others kept convincing him to come out and saying it's not his fault but he didn't bulge. They even weren't able to make him eat his lunch.

Hours passed and it's almost time for dinner. They try to call him again but they were surprised Jimin was awake and he even walked all the way downstairs by his own.

Eventually Jimin successfully get to talk with Tae and bring him for dinner. It was a long an hour talk but that's kinda enough for the two bestie. Jimin remembered about Taehyung and their memories together including Jungkook as they were children.

Jimin kinda feel bad for not remembering him but Tae reassuring him that it was okay knowing how the younger going through these years.

Dinner going smoothly apart from Jimin getting checked by Jin and get earful lectures by him. They all decided to watch movies together for the night.

Laughters filled the living room as they watched some movies not knowing what is ahead for them.

Those laugh will be soon filled with nothing but sorrow as the future come.


Hello guys! I'm back! I'm sorry for not updating for so long. I had my final examination done just about a week ago. And I just finished my middle school years!🥳🥳. While waiting for university calls I'll try to update for you guys 😉

I'm sorry if this story kinda bored🙏 sorry I tried my best. Hope you enjoy.

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