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Jin sighed stepping out of Jungkook's room closing the door behind him. He walked to the living room where everyone was waiting. "How was him?" Hoseok asked. "He's fine. He is sleeping after I gave him his medicine." Jin answered sitting down next to Namjoon. "How was his condition? Was it worse or better?" This time Suga asked.

Jin leaned his head on Namjoon's shoulder. He looked at Jimin. "The reason he can't speak is because the impact on his head had damaged apart of his ability to speak." Jimin gasped eyes widening at Jin. "It's a relieve it isn't amnesia, that he only doesn't remember half of the incident. His legs are weak so he wouldn't be walking for now." Jin added. Jimin was speechless. He doesn't know what to say. "C-can it be treated?" Taehyung asked seeing the pale face of his soulmate.

All eyes are on Jin wanting to know the answer. The older sighed. "We can start a physiotherapy for his legs for him to be walking again but his speech... I'm sorry I can't do anything." Jimin sucked up his breath. "It's all depends to his body to recover." Jin finished.


Jimin stepped into the room staring at Jungkook who was sleeping on his bed. He sat on his side and shook him gently. "Jungkook, wake up. Kookie." Jungkook hummed before slowly opening his eyes looking at Jimin's.

"Come on. Jin cooked breakfast and you need to eat your meds later." Jungkook groaned by the mention of medicine. He hate that all his life. Jimin smiled kissing his cheek. "Come on. I'll call Namjoon hyung okay? Wait." He walked out of the room to get the said older.

It has been a month after all the incidents happened. Jungkook had been moved to the guest room downstairs for now. Jin had started his therapy two weeks ago. Jungkook now can slowly stood up a little bit with the help of the support. They planned for him to try to take a step during next session. The members were always there for him.

Namjoon and Hoseok being the strongest one who mostly help lifting Jungkook up or supporting him. Taehyung and Jimin were like his emotional support to keep going. As Taehyung was his childhood best friend and and Jimin was the love of his life. While Jin and Yoongi being the oldest always taking care of his needs. Jin would cook his favorite food and even though Yoongi was quite, they knew he care for Jungkook.

Jungkook's speech? For now he only managed to whisper only a few words for a short time because his throat would hurt and his head started to hurt and spin. The other wounds on his body had luckily healed including his hand.

Jungkook might be the one who mostly get the care but he also never forget about Jimin. The boy had been through a lot and he deserves the care too. Jungkook knew he can't verbally to Jimin so he showed it in his actions. He would give hugs and kisses for Jimin whenever the smaller got a nightmare in the middle of the night. Jimin now had grown a habit of sleeping in Jungkook's arms and the other wouldn't even denied.

The older wanted to keep Jimin close to him as possible as he can. He couldn't bear Jimin being away from him again.

"Come on Jungkook. You can do it. Just a small step...Yes yes you're doing good...Now try to balance your weight on your right leg and try to slowly move your left leg forward." Jin's voice could be heard throughout the room as he guide and encouraging Jungkook. Jungkook was standing with the support of the metal bars next to each side of him. The others were also there watching.

Jungkook nodded hearing Jin's guide and slowly move his leg forward. He smiled as he successfully did that. "Now slowly put your weight on the left one and move the right one this time." Jungkook did as he was told carefully. His legs were a little tired and aching a bit but he wasn't going to tell the older. He won't give up. After all he was the Mafia, he can handle the pain.

He was pulled out of his daze hearing some cheers around him. "You did it, Kookie!" He did? His eyes went to his legs. He had unconsciously went more than a step forward. He was actually walking. A sob escaped from his mouth which turned into a full sobbing. The others came rushed towards him, holding him as he released his hold on the metal bars.

Jimin engulfed him in a tight hug. "You did it. I'm so proud of you, Kookie." His own eyes becoming teary.

Everything is going to be okay.

I'm sorry I got distracted with writing some new books.

So... should I a smut?👀

Thank you so much for reading this trash. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I have never got this much love from my readers even though you just a silent reader. I really appreciate you reading this book.



[EDIT: I've been very busy with my university so I'm sorry I can't update for now. (Dated: 22/3/2023) ]

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