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Jk's pov

I'm Jeon Jungkook, the leader of Jeon Mafia, the biggest mafia in Korea. People said that I am heartless and don't even give a fuck of killing someone who disrespected me or anyone who touch my family. Well, it's true. I'll torture them in the most painfull way until they begged to die. No one dare to betray me or else they will say goodbye to the world.

"We had our chance now to take revenge on them. We'll attack tonight."

I qurently in the meeting room along with others. We've been located our rival hiden place and planning to attack. Later that night, we attack them when they were sleeping. The place looked like an abandon building. I hid in front of the gate where the guards guarding the gate. My gang had circuling the area waiting to my sign. I shot one of them and my gang got the sign and began to attack. Ever since the mafia wasn't big or powerfull as mine so there wasn't a problem to settle them all.

I shot their leader straight to his head killing him instantly.

Tsk weak.

I had all my men roaming around the place and took whatever needed. Suddenly, one of my men came to me.

"Sir, we need you in the basement. We've found something there."

I raised my eyebrows and just follow the man to the basement. The other men notice me and bowed. He lead me to a room and opened it. The room was dark and only a dim light at the centre of the room that light up some parts of the room. I walk in. My footsteps echoed through the room. It had a single bed at the corner.

The room smelt terrible. There were some spots of blood on the floor. I stopped my step when I hear some weak breathing. I scaned through the room and stopped when I saw a figure at the corner. I can't see what it is so I walk closer to have a better look. There, was a boy curling up against the wall, shaking. He wore a dirty baggy shirt that half covered some blood and to my suprise he had nothing underneath leaving him half naked making me unconsciously gripping my fist.

I went to him and he flinch when I squated down in front of him hugging his knees more. He don't look at me. I scaned his figure. He is too skinny, I notice some bruises on his arms and legs. There's a chain connected to his left ankle that had bruises and cuts around it. Leaving him no chance to ran away. His hair is quite long. He flinched as I reach my hand through his hair. They are rough and had some dirt on it.

He must had been here for a long time.

Somehow the thoughts making me feel angry. I retreated my hand as looked up to me. My breath stopped. I stared into his eyes. They are blue. Gosh they are beautiful. He is shaking in fear. His breathing shortened but before I can say anything, he passed out whispered. "H-help me."

I took at his limp body on my arms and wrapped him around a blanket that I ask my man to search somewhere in the building. I took my gun and shoot the bullet to break the chain. "RM." He came stood next to me. I stood up with the boy. "Yes sir?" I give the boy to him. "Send him to Jin to be cleaned and put him in the bedroom next to mine. Call a maid to cook some food to him and inform me when he woke up. Understood?" I said turning to him. "Yes sir." He nodded.

Soon, we leave the place and burnt it down leaving all traces. When we reach the mansion, I went to my room and get ready to sleep. I strip my clothes stepping in the shower. Soon I got out wearing one of my boxer and went under the covers. I looked at the ceiling.

Why am I thinking about the boy?

(Whoohoo~ okay guys. I don't really know how I got this story. I've been running out of ideas! Btw hope u like.)

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