💣 26

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Jimin's pov (two days after the rape)

It's hell.

I can confirm that. My body was aching all over. My arms were numb for being tied behind. My lower back was sore from being raped. The cuts over my body stopped oozing blood and dried bloods all over my body and bed sheets. I was shivering as I was still bare naked laying on the cold floor.

Master had come again yesterday to torture me for fun. Whips, slaps, cuts and bruises. All the pain I've been through two days in a row are killing me. I feel so weak from dehydration and hunger.

The ring and plug are still on me making me squirming uncomfortably, just it's stop moving anymore. I was exhausted and my head was spinning to even notice the door unlocked and a person came in. I whimpered as he gets closer. I was a bit relief that's it wasn't Master but still whoever is it, they're still Mafia and dangerous.

"Hey, relax. I won't harm you. Boss ordered to clean you up." I looked up at the male in front of me. His voice was soft and gentle.

No Jimin they're all same.

He make me laying on my back. I froze feeling his hands on my lower parts fearing what he might do. I tightly close my eyes. "I'm taking it out." I don't know what he meant by that but then I gasped with wide eyes feeling the plug slowly slipped out of me. The disgusting smell of cum and blood could be smell as it oozed out from my entrance.

I was too catch up with my thoughts to even notice he unlocked the ring around my member untill he lay me back to my side. I flinched closing my eyes as he hovering over me thinking he might as well use me too but then, I feel the ties around my wrists loosened until they're free.

Next thing I know is I was being picked up out of the room and upstairs into which I assumed is a bathroom. I didn't struggled because I knew better than that if I want to live. The bathroom was simple with a bathtub and a shower. The bathtub already filled with water.

The man lowered me into the bathtub surprisingly the water was warm. I whined when the water touched my open cuts but settled down. "Close your eyes." I did as I told to not angered the male. Not when he's being gentle with me right now. He rubbed my hair with I assumed a shampoo.

He washed my body with some bathing soap and a sponge. Carefully over the cuts. Then he give me the sponge. I looked at him. "I figured out you want to clean them yourself." He pointed at my lower parts. I looked at him shocked.

Why is he being nice?!

I hesitantly nodded and grabbed the sponge with soap before cleaning my self as he walked out of the bathroom. I tried to get the cum as much as I could out of me but still careful not to hurt myself since I'm already sore.

Soon, he came back with a towel with him. "Are you done?" I slowly nodded head down.  I gasped as he pulled me out of the bath wrapping me up with the towel before carrying me into a bedroom which I never see it before. The room was painted in grey and white. He sat me on the bed, I flinched slightly as my lower hurts.

He walked to a closet before pulling out some clothes and handed them to me. "Take it and change." I shakingly took it then he walked out of the room closing the door. I looked at the clothes. It's a long sleeved t-shirt and a sweat pants. I looked at it confusingly.

This is unusual and weird.

I shrugged it off and wear it. I sighed feeling the warmth over my body. I took my time observing the room. I've never seen this room before though just then I remembered I've been in the basement for almost 4 years. I scooted myself further on the bed leaning against the headboard, carefully still keeping the towel above my head.

The man from earlier walked back in with a stray of food. He walked to bed before sitting up next to me. There were a bowl of soup? I think and a juice which I assumed an apple juice...according to the smell. Also with a glass of water.

"Here, eat this." He placed the tray on the bed. I hesitantly took the spoon of soup with shaking hand. I tried to hold it but my hand was weak and numb. The other noticed this and help feeding me. Times goes by until I finished half the bowl then I spoke. "Why?" I asked keeping my head down.

The male understood before sighing putting the tray on the night stand.

"I don't need a reason to help you, Minnie."

My eyes widened when he called my name. No one ever called him by his name here let alone a nickname. A familiar one on top of that.

"W-who are you?" I stuttered but then froze at his answer.

"I'm Jihoon. Park Jihoon."


Hey guys. My father just passed away today🥺. I might be talking a break for a while for the sake of my mental health.

But I'll be back because writing for you guys are my comfort things to do 😇

Next chapter is full of Jimin's past and flashbacks. I already wrote it in my drafts. I'll post it later. Don't worry JiKook moment would come soon :)

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