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JM's pov

I woke up when Jungkook shook me."Come you need to take a bath before dinner." He said. I nodded, still sleepy. He got up from the bed to the bathroom. I swung my legs to the bed side. With help of the night stand table, I stood up but fell on the floor when I took a step forward with a thud. I whined from the pain in my ankle.

I'm about to cry when Jungkook ran out of the bathroom. He saw me and rush to me. He quickly comforted me. "I-It's hurt." I said pointed to my left ankle and noticed there's a bandage around it. "Shh, it's okay. Your legs need some times. You are physically weak now. Let me lift you." He said"B-but-" I tried to protest.

He don't let me finished and lift me bride style to the bathroom. I yelp and put my arms around his neck not wanting to fall. My face red from being embarased. He put me on the sink counter and prepare a bath. The bathroom was more beutiful than I thought. Much better than my Master's bathroom that I need to clean.

He lift me and sat me on the edge of bath tub. "You want me to help you or I can call one of the maid to help you?" I blushed and nodded, looking at him meaning I want him to help me. I lift my hands and he slipped my t-shirt over my head. I feel him freez as he did.

Shit. He saw my scars. Now he's going to hate me.

I keep my head low. He unwrapped the bandage around my body. He didn't say anything making me teared up. I sniffle a little as tears rand down my cheek.

They were right. I'm such a cry baby.

Jungkook suddenly hugged me . I tense but relax after but still sobbing. "Shh why are you crying angel?" "I-I'm u-ugly." I whispered between cries. He rubbed my back. "No, don't think of that. You're beautiful. Those can't stop you being beautiful." I pulled away and looked at him. "R-really?" I asked. He nodded. "Let's finish your bath now, shall we?" I nodded.

He help me step out of my shorts. I don't really care about being exposed cuz of what happen but I feel embarassed in front of Jungkook. His eyes didn't wondered around which I glad. He put me in the tub and gently washed my body. I'll hissed a little when he wash over one of my cuts and he mumbled a quick 'sorry' make my heart fluttered.

All my live been pain, abuse, lies and suffers. All the cares he been show me were a new things that I've never been felt over years. Maybe I can trust him but I can't trust him easily. Maybe a little? For now. Just hope he don't like the others.

After bath, he wrapped me in a towel like a newborn baby and lifted me to the bed making me giggled for the first time in years, with my size, I really looked like a baby and it's a total lie to said I don't like it. He gave me a pair of boxer and a baby blue hoodie which is his. How do I know? It smelt like him. The hoodie reach my mid thigh covering the boxer make it look like I don't wear it.

"Come, lets eat some dinner."

"Okay." I simply answered cuz not to lie, I'm really hungry but scared to ask. He lift me up with my legs at both his waist and his arms under my thigh. My arms wrapped around his neck when he walked down the stairs afraid to fall. We reach the dinning room where the food already served. Jungkook put me on the floor while he sat. As I proceeded to sat on one of the chairs, he suddenly pulled me on his lap. I blushed. I looked at the food in front of me then looked at him. He looked at me.

"What's wrong, baby. Don't you like it?" I blushed at the name he called me. I shook my head looking down.

"N-not like t-that. I-I mean, a-am I a-alowed to e-eat?"

JK's pov

Jimin looked so cute in my hoodie. I feel like I want to keep him away from the world. The sound of his giggles more like music to me. I walk to the dinning room with him secure in my hands. He's to fragile that can be broken if I let him go. The other members are out for some bisness and probably eating outside. It just me and Jimin. I sat at the table and sat him on my lap. He keep eyeing the food then looked at me. "What's wrong, baby. Don't you like it?" I ask. I saw him blushed at the name I called him. He shook his head looking down. I was about to say but he spoke.

"N-not like t-that. I-I mean, a-am I a-alowed to e-eat?" He suttered keep looking down. I frowned my eyes. I tilt his head facing me. I cupped his face. "Why did you think like that?" I said softly not to show my anger right now. "Basically my master only feed me twice a week. I already eat this morning so I don't need to eat anymore." He said.

That bastard. I should have given him a painful death.

"But you're with me now. He's gone so you are allowed to eat anything you want." His face lit up. "Really?!" I smiled, pinched his fluffy cheek. "Come let's eat before it gets cold." He nodded happily start to eat.

I think I already fall for him.

(Edit: thank you for being patient while I edit and republished this book. Borahae💜)

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