💣 29

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Jungkook's pov

"You-" I looked at the person in shock. Why is he doing here? "Why are you here?" I glared at him. "I want to help you." The man said rather calmly. "Help us what? And why would we trust you?

"Because I'm-"


"Is everyone ready?"

"Yes, boss!"

I nodded at my men, then looked at my team giving a nod for them too.

We went into a van to our location in the woods. As per arrived, everyone wore their earpiece so everyone can communicate with each other. Suga went to the back of the van were some modern expensive gadgets and computer screens in there. He wasn't going to join them in the building but he would give directions from afar and provide backus if something happens. Jin stayed in the van with Suga despite the protests from Namjoon who insisted he stay at home but eventually give up and agreed as long he stayed in the van. Me and Namjoon leads a group while V and Jhope leads the others.

"The second door was at the back." Suga spoke trough the earpiece. I nod signaled V and Jhope to kill the guards at the entrance. They both sneaked behind the guards and killed them with the knife as we don't want any noise to alarmed the other guards.

We entered the mansion the other gang become alarmed and shooting began between my gang and Lee's. While the gangs were fighting, me and hyungs went upstairs. Suddenly someone pointed a gun at me. The members behind me pointed their gun at him. The guy lowered his mask, giving me a nod.

I nod back at him. He ran and attacked me but I locked his hand and knocked his gun from him. "Go down to the hallway. Jimin is in the basement. Here's the key. Careful, Minho knows you guys are here." He whispered sneaking the key in my hand. I pretend to throw him to the ground and he ran away.

We went in and walked through the hallway. "Which way the basement, Suga?" I ask in the earpiece. "Go straight to the end of the hallway, there's a door for the stairs to the basement." "Ok." I was about to go when RM stopped me. "I'll go with you." I nodded. "V, Jhope." They gave me a nod. "Follow the plan."

I ran through the hallway and then spotted the door, opening up and went downstairs. There's a few rooms in there. We opened up every room till the last one seems to be locked. I unlocked it with the key but the door was stuck a bit.

I burst through the door with Namjoon's help. He keep on guard at the door while I went into the room. My heart dropped as I saw him... Jimin, the one I love, lying naked on the small bed at the corner. His body was full of bruises and cuts. I saw his hooded eyes looking at me with tears.

I quickly rushed to him. I release him from the ties and gently scooped in into my arms. His tiny hands fisted on my jacket sobbing hardly on my chest. "Shhh, baby. I'm here. You're save, honey." I kept on whispering comforting words until he slowly pulled away and looking at me with his teary eyes.


He was trying to speak but I know it would be hard for him after all this things he been through so I kissed his forehead and spoke softly. "Hey, you don't need to say anything, mochi. I'm here okay. I'm not leaving you." He nodded leaning onto my chest. I picked him up but stopped as he hissed in pain. "Aahh!"

I looked at him in concerned as he started crying. "Hey, hey. Baby don't cry. Tell me what is it." I cupped his cheeks in my hand. He keep mumbling 'back' and 'in'. At first I couldn't understand but then it clicked making me burn in anger. "Can I?" He nodded giving me permission.

I put my hand on his waist turning his body a bit and I saw that thing. I hold the bottom and gently pulled it out. Jimin's grips on me tightened as he was whining in pain. I kissed his head and soothingly rubbed his back with my other hand. Jimin let out a little gasp as the toy had been pulled out completely. I grabbed a handkerchief I had in my pocket and cleaned the disgusting asshole's cum. It even had a slight blood with it.

"JK, we need to get going, fast." Suga's voice talking through the earpiece.

I noticed Jimin was having a fever so I help him wear a shorts and a shirt and wrapped him in a blanket that I found there before picked him up bridal style.

"Let's go out of here."

What? You think I'm going to let them?😏
Next chapter is coming up next...stay tuned.

Sorry for the late update 💜💜


Mafia's Love (JiKook) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now