💣 31

973 52 1

Author's pov


Jimin's cries echoed outside the collapsing building. He struggled against Jihoon's arms, shouting for the other male. "K-kookie!" Jin soon came to both of them before engulfed Jimin in his arms, trying to calm him down. "Hey, Jimin. Hey, calm down-"

"Kook-" Suddenly Jimin's breath slowed and he passed out. "-kie."




"Hyungie, why do you need to go?" The younger sniffles looking up at the older male who's placing his luggage in the car. The older bended to his height. "Hyungie going to live with uncle because hyungie needs to study there." The older softly boop the younger's nose. "But hyungie can study here too!" The older sadly smiled at him.

"Don't cry, Minnie. I'll come back here to see you one day. I promise."

"Pinky promise?" The younger pouted holding up his pinky. The older chuckled and joined their pinky.

"Yes, pinky promise. Now, don't cry. Your Bunny said he will come later right? Cheer up, Minnie."


The name... was so familiar.


My brother..

Park Jihoon...

Jimin woke up on the next day in the clinic's room. His head was still fuzzy and his eyes were blurry. He slowly opened his eyes checking his surrounding.

My head hurts.

Suddenly he remembered something and shot up from the bed but groaned feeling pain on his body especially his lower torso. He slid down the cover and saw the bandages wrapped there. The door burst open and a rather worried Jin rushed in. "You're finally awake, Jimin!" He shouted engulfing Jimin in a hug, gently. "How do you feel?" He broke the hug and give him a glass of water and helped him sitting down against the pillows.

Jimin drank all the water in one go. He was so thirsty and his throat hurts. He doesn't know how long he had been unconscious but he can guess over a day. "H-how l-long-" His voice sounded weak as he looked at Jin. "You're asleep for a week, Jimin." His eyes widened staring at the older.

A week?!

Just like Jin knows his thoughts and spoke again. "Your body was exhausted enough that it go for a rest state." Jimin stared in space. Many thoughts running in his head.

W-what about Jungkook??

"Jung-Jungkook?? Is-is he okay?!" He asked him frantically. Jin sighed. "Jimin.."

"He's in a coma."

Jimin froze on his bed. Coma? "I-I want to see h-him." He quickly swing his legs to the side of the bed ignoring the pain over his body. Before the could stand up, Jin stopped him. "You can't walk yet, Jimin! You might opened up your stitches!" Jimin looked at him confused. "S-stitches?" Jin sighed. "Yes. You had an internal injury in your lower abdomen. We had to operate you."

Jimin looked at the bandages. "B-but. Hyung, I want to see him." He looked at Jin with teary eyes. Jin smiled sadly and kissed his forehead. "Alright. I'll be back." Jin walked out of the room before coming back with a wheelchair with him. He helped Jimin sitting on it and pushed him along the hallway.

They stopped in front of a room. "Jimin.." Jimin nodded understanding the tone in Jin's voice. Whatever he is going to see in there. It wouldn't be pleasant. He took a deep breath. "I'm ready, hyung."

The wooden door opened revealing a grey painted walls of the room. Soft beating of a machine placed next to the bed could be heard. There, the love of his life, lying unconsciously on the bed in the middle of the room. The older had a mask on his face supplying oxygen, helping him breathing.

Jimin feel himself teared up seeing Jungkook in such a condition. Bandages wrapped on his head, arms, chest and shoulders. An IV drip attached to his hand which Jimin hold and rub it softly with his hands. "We found him a couple of hours after you passed out. Our men found him under the fallen bricks but we're glad it wasn't a bigger ones. He hit his head pretty bad so the reason he isn't waking up yet."

So, he's also been unconscious for the week?

"H-how is he?" Jimin spoke in shaky voice. Jin sighed. "Other than his head, he had been shot on the shoulder. Luckily it wasn't even close to his heart so it could be healed in a few weeks. He had broken his right arm because of the fall. This might take time within two months."


It's been three days since Jimin woke up. He was sitting in the living room watching the tv. Jin had allowed him to walk by himself but he still need to be careful as his body was still sore after the countless torture and the surgery. Jimin understand that bastard was the reason for his injury. He can't sleep with some nightmares still haunting him every night.

Where is Minho now?

Jin said that the others saw his body lying dead not so far from where Jungkook was. The male was shot dead on his chest by Jungkook before they got hit by the explosion.

Since Jungkook was unable to work, Namjoon had taken his place as the temporary leader as he is the second in command. The boys were busy as ever managing their mafia. Those Lee Mafia's were taken to the dungeon. They're given to leave mafia business or to join the Jeon Mafia through some training.

Jimin was getting bored tired so he closed the tv before walking to the kitchen. He planned to make himself some snacks. The others were busy at the company and Jin hyung was in his clinic. So, he's alone. His steps halted as he saw someone in the kitchen. He's still scared of meeting some people other than his hyungs. Especially males. As he about to stepped away, a voice called him causing him to flinch.

"Oh, Jimin!" Jimin slowly turned at the male. He gasped seeing him. "J-jihoon?"


"Yes my Minnie."

"Look! I picked some flowers for you!" Little Jimin handed the flowers to his brother as they are at the park. "Aww, Minnie. Thank you. Now, let's go hm? Mummy might scolded us for coming home late." Little Jimin giggled. "Okay, hyungie!"


"Hyungie, I miss you!

"Love you lots, hyungie!"


His head spins and his eyes become blurry as a couple of memories came dumping on him. Jimin dropped on his knees breathing heavily. Jihoon immediately rushed to his side. "Hey, hey, Jimin. Breath with me. Breath with me. You're okay. Follow my breath." His breath eventually calmed down. "That's it. You're doing good, Min. Slow down." Jihoon whispered encouraging words while gently rubbing his back.

Jimin's head slumped over the older who catch his falling body. Jimin had his eyes closed having a few short breaths, feeling exhausted. "Let's get you to your room okay? You need to rest." Jimin nodded before feeling Jihoon lifted him up slowly to his room. He placed Jimin on the bed and stood up. "I'll get you some water-" Before Jihoon could go, a hand gripped on his sleeve.


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