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Six years ago~

Jungkook was 16 when everything happend. He was practicing shoting with his father. He was the next heir of the Jeon Mafia when the time came by, he'll lead the mafia so he need to be prepared. Then, one of his father's man came in. "Boss! We are attacked by the Lee Mafia! Many of our men died." "What?!"

Jungkook followed his father out of the practice area. They grabbed a gun and at the same time, the door slammed open. Men from Lee Mafia came in and start shoting with the Jeon Mafia. Jungkook dodged all the bullets that came toward him and shot their enemies. He searched for his father by the crowds untill he reach his father's office. He opened the door and found that his father was held by the Lee Mafia's leader, Lee Minho. He had blood by his mouth and a gun pointed to him.


The mafia leaders turned their heads to him. "Jungkook! Get out of here!" His father shouted. Minho punched him and kicked him before walked towards Jungkook. "Oh so this is your son, huh?" He looked at Jungkook's father and then Jungkook. "Lets see what you got." He smirked. He raised his gun and shot.

Jungkook dodged it and tackled Minho but he hit Jungkook's head by the back of his gun. Jungkook dropped to the floor. A bit blood ran down his head but it didn't stop him. He grabbed his knife and cut Taemin by his arm. Minho groaned in pain and punched Jungkook.

*skip* cuz I don't know how to describe fight scene like*

Jungkook dropped to the floor coughing some blood. He got a bullet wound on his upper arm. Minho walked to him and pointed his gun to him. "Pathetic, I'll just kill you and then your father. But, I'm impressed by your skills for only a young teenager." Jungkook want to fight but he's too weak right now. His body was aching so bad. "Now, let's end this shall we?"


Nothing happens.

Jungkook looked up to see his father standing in front of him. Blood coming out of his mouth and chest. The leader dropped to the ground. "Appa!" Jungkook crawled to his father. He pressed on the wound to stop the blood but nothing. "Appa, stay with me please." He shook his father to stay awake. Minho smirked from afar. Then his phone rang.

"Boss, everything been set up."

"Good job."

Minho ended the call and walked away leaving the two. Jungkook was crying and keep trying to save his father. Then, an explosion can be heard and the place was set up on fire. Jungkook tried to lift his father out of the place but he himself was too weak. He coughed by the smoke around him. His throat hurts so much.

"Boss! Jungkook!" The door slammed open revealing Jin and other members.
They saw Jungkook and ran to him. "H-help Appa." Jungkook coughed. Jin tried to help the leader while others tried to stop the fire from spread more.
"J-Jin." The leader spoke. Jin stopped and looked at him. "B-bring Jungkook out of here. T-take care of h-him." Jin's eyes widened. "N-no appa. *cough*. You too." Jungkook said. His father shook his head. He looked at Jin.

"Jin, I trusted you."

*present* Jin's POV*

That's the last thing he said to me before he passed away. Since that, Jungkook stepped up being the leader. He wasn't the bubbly Jungkook we all know though he was soft with us, he never smiled anymore. Only the forced one. He become strict and cold to everyone. He changed. I keep his father's promise to always take care of him.

Now, seeing him smiled with Jimin make me feel happy. Jimin bring our lost Jungkook back. Jungkook was lucky to have him.

We are not just mafia members but we are family.

Sorry guys for took too long to update.
Btw here you go!

(Edit: I mostly keep the original part here)

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