💣 5

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JM's pov

I woke up in a dark room. Then, image from before flashed in front of my mind. The door suddenly opened, a man came. The one who took me away. I backed away untill my back hit the wall. I looked at him in fear. He suddenly slapped me to the floor. I whimpered. It's so hard to the point my lip bleed. "You peice of shit! Cause of your father, I'm in so much trouble! But it's okay now he's dead. Let's have fun shall we?"  He smirked.

He kicked me multiple times untill I coughed blood. "S-stop!" I breathed. The pain is too much and I feel myself passing out. He stopped and grabbed a fistfull of my hair. "Don't you dare to sleep. I'm not done with you yet." He picked me up an throw me on the bed. He tied my hands to the headboard. "P-plea-se l-let me g-go. I d-don't do a-anything." I keep on crying on how scared I am. "Oh, you don't but your father did." He pulled out a knive making me cried louder.

"Now, let the fun started."


"Ahhhh!!" My body joilted and I breath heavily. Tears built in my eyes and I sobbed pulling my knees close. Then, the floor swang open revealing a panic Jungkook. He saw me and went to my side. "Hey, you okay? What happen?" I cried not just from the nightmare but from the worries in his voice. He pulled me in a hug. "Hey, baby don't cry. It's okay. You're okay. I'm here."

After so many years, there's someone who finally care for me. I calmed down a little. I burry my head to his chest. "You want to talk about it?" He ask gently played with my hair. I shook my head 'no'. He rocked me back and forth whispering comforting words to my ear.

This reminded me of eomma.

I yawn and slowly dozed off. When I was close to sleep, he let go of me. I whined a little but not opening me eyes and he gently laid me on the bed. I heard shuffling and he laid next to me. His hand wrapped around my waist pulling me to his chest. It was warm and comfortable. He kissed my forehead sending chills to my body. I fell asleep again.

JK's pov

I looked at him falling asleep already. I smiled. I sniffle in his hair scenting his scent. I fall asleep with him in my arms. Later, I woke up and looked at the clock. It almost dinner. I shook Jimin and he wake up rubbed his eyes.


I thought.

Wait! What?!

I snapped my thought when I saw him wide awake. "Come you need to take a bath before dinner." He nodded cutely.

God, Jeon Jungkook! Stop being softie.

I got up from the bed to prepare a bath for him. I heard a thud and ran out of the bathroom. I saw Jimin on the floor whining. I rush to him. He was close to cry so I quickly comforted him. "I-It's hurt." He pointed to his bandaged left ankle where the chain were. Hyung also told me that Jimin sprained that ankle so he can't walk.

"Shh, it's okay. Your legs need some times. You are physically weak now. Let me lift you."


I don't let him finished, I lift him bride style to the bathroom making him yelp. He put his arms around my neck. I put him on the sink counter and prepare his bath. I lift him and sat him on the edge of bath tub. I looked at him. "You want me to help you or I can call one of the maid to help you?" I asked. He blushed and nodded, looking at me meaning he want me. I ask him to lift his hands and I slipped his t-shirt over his head. I freeze when I looked at his body. So many scars and bruises al over his body. I unwrapped the bandage around him to see more of that. He looked down the floor.

How can people hurt some one like this! This is sickening. He don't deserve it.

I snapped my thought when I heard a sniffle. I looked at Jimin. He is crying. I immediately hugged him. I tensed a little but relaxed second after. "Shh why are you crying angel?" "I-I'm u-ugly." He whispered between cries. Anger flicked in me to anyone who did this. I rubbed his back. "No, don't think of that. You're beautiful. Those can't stop you being beautiful." He pulled away and looked at me. "R-really?" He asked. I nodded. "Let's finish your bath now, shall we?" He nodded.

About half an hour, I finished bathing him. I carefully washing over his body. Muttering 'sorry' whenever he flinched as I accidentally touch his bruises or cuts. I respect his privacy and closed my eyes as I helped him out of the tub. I wrapped him in a fluffy towel like a baby. He just so small that I want to squish him. He giggled sending music to me as I carried him to the bed. I dressed him in a pair of boxer and my hoodie. The hoodie was quite big reaching his mid thighs.

God he's so cute. He's going to be the death of me.

(I know it's bored. I'm sorry. I'm still new to this so hope you like.)

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