💣 27

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Hi guys!🤗 I'm still struggling with my mental health right now as you know my father passed away a few days ago but I don't want to make you guys wait.

Yesterday was my birthday (11 September) but I don't feel like celebrating at all but my sisters held a small dinner party for me.

My father was excited for my birthday but sadly he can't be there.😔

So today is Namjoon's birthday which is 12th September, I'm gifting you guys with this chapter.

Enjoy ~

A little of Jimin's past:-

(Jimin is 10 here)

In Korea, Park Mafia was the third biggest mafia after Lee's and Jeon's Mafia. The Jeons and Parks are very close.

In the mafia world, no one know that the Parks, Park Hyunso and Park Seonhi have a son except the Jeons. That son named Park Jimin. His parent keep their mafia thing away from him. They didn't want Jimin to involve in the mafia. He is so pure and innocent. When Jimin be friends with Jungkook, they warn him not to tell anything about the mafia.

The friendship between the two makes the Parks even stronger and the mafia climb up being the second. However it not pleased the Lees. The mafia leader, Lee Minho was very mad. One day, he gathered all his man to attack the Park's resident. He know that The Jeon Mafia already moved to Seoul leaving the Park in Busan alone.

That night..

"Mr Park! We are under attack!"

"Fuck! Honey, where's Jimin?!"


An explossion of smoke blast at the side of the mansion covering their sight. "Shit! Honey, go hide. I'll take care of this. Attack guys!" Hyunso shouted to his men. He went to his office to grab his things. He opened the door to meet with Minho.

"Well, well, well. Look who's coming."


Hyunso pointed his gun. Minho chuckled. "You know, being friend with the Jeon doesn't make you stronger than me." He pulled his own gun and they start shooting to each other.

Skip-idk how to write the scene

Hyunso clutched his bleeding shoulder. He had been shot. Minho laughed. "See, I told you." He looked at him, signaling his men to grab Hyunso but he didn't want to give up. "You better give up or..." Minho pointed at the door. Hyunso saw his wife being dragged into the room tied up. "Seonhi! What are you doing Minho?!" He yelled madly. If he wasn't in pain, he sure attack Minho now. "Ohh, nothing special maybe.." Minho pulled his gun. "Ending the both of you." Just right before the shot, his man came. "Boss, we found something." The man show him a picture. Minho smirk.

"Oh so you guys have a son, huh?" Hyunso's eyes widened. "No! Leave him be! He had nothing to do with the mafia!" He pleaded. Seeing this make Minho to have an idea. "Tied him. We should make a suprise to this little boy."


Poor little Jiminie didn't know what will happen to him. He walked home after spending time with his friend at his house. When he get home, the house was dark making him confused. He opened the door. "Appa? Mummy?" He walk upstairs not aware of anything. His parent room lighted up. He went to the room and opened it. His eyes widened at what he saw. There, his parents were tied up kneeling on the floor. "Appa! Mummy!"


"Hello little boy." He heard a voice behind him. The door being closed behind him. He turned around to meet with a guy with a creepy smile on his face. Jimin breath cought in his throat. He unconsiously stepped back. "W-who are you?"

"Don't worry little one. I'm not going to hurt you but your parent." He turned to his parent to see that they had a gun pointed to his head. Minho went to his side. "Now, your choice, boy."

"Go with me or let your parent die."

Jimin's eyes widened. Same goes to his parent.

"Minho! He's only a child! Leave him alone! He had nothing between us!" Hyunso yelled tried to get free.

"Jimin don't listen to him!"

Jimin still froze in his spot. What should he do? He snapped from his thought when he heard his father's groan. Blood came out from his mouth. "Appa!" Tears pooling in his eyes. "You choose Jimin. Come with me or I'll kill him."

"Jimin no!" His mother said.

Minho's man start to beat her. "No! Stop! Mummy!"

"Choose now Jimin."

"No!" Hyunso cried out, getting beated.

Tears leaving Jimin's eyes. He can't choose. But he -

"Y-you will leave them alone it I go with you?"

"Jimin! Don't do this!"

Minho smirked at him. "Of couse."


"Shut up!" Minho punched Hyunso.

"No! Stop! I-I'll go with you." Jimin cried. He can't stand his father being hurt. Minho stopped. He smirked. "Well done my boy".


*bang* *bang*

Jimin's eyes widened. He can't believe this. His parent now dead. He realised that he just being lied by Minho. He felt little pain on his neck before he passed out.

"Take care of him and kill all the Park mafia members. Make sure the Jeons didn't know about this."

"Yes sir!"


⚠️ Rape ⚠️

(Jimin is 14)

Jimin exactly will forever remember that day. The day he lost all his innocent to the Mafia leader. He just cleaning up Master's bedroom bending over to clean the closet not noticing the male's presence behind him until a pair of hands running up his ass.

Jimin froze in his place as the hands slide into his shorts rubbing over his skin. He yelped as Minho grabbed both of his hand behind him with a hand and the other one sneaked to his neck choking him. He felt the older's breath next to his ear. "Hmm you looked sexy under me, babyboy." He whispered lustfully.

That day, Jimin's screams, pleading and cries were nothing but pleasure for the older male. Face red from crying, tears streaming on his face begging the male to stop as he was raped mercilessly. His entrance flowed with blood as it was his first time. Eventually, his cries died down as Jimin passed out after hours of rape.

(Jimin is 17)

"What did you bring to me this time Minho." A guy said.

Minho asked his man to bring Jimin.

"A present for you."

The guy smirked.

"We sure gonna have fun with him."

(A/n: Remember the Mafia Jungkook killed in the first chapter? That's him😌)

Happy birthday our leader Namjoonie!!🎉

More a/n: Don't worry about me. I'm not straining myself to update this part🤗 I'll write more when I'm better.

See you in next update 😉

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