💣 17

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I decided to put some pictures in the story to maybe help you better to imagine it because why not? 🤷

Jimin's pov

It's been a few weeks after the accident and a month since I live with them. My legs were going better. I can walk normally around without any pain or weakness thanks to Jin hyung's care. Today is the day Jungkook will bring me to the mall like he promised before. Over this month I had always wore Jungkook's clothes.

Not like I don't like it but I preferred to have my own clothes that fit me. Jungkook's clothes are way bigger for me. Jungkook did send Taehyung to buy some clothes for me a few weeks ago but he doesn't really know what style did I prefers so Jungkook decided for me to buy them myself.

My relation with others were going better. I got more comfortable around them especially Jungkook. My relationship with Jungkook grew bigger each day. I got to know new things about him that I missed. I'm starting to love him once again just like the old times. I love how he always starred at me with adoration and love in his brown orbs.

My nightmares were less and I barely have them now. Jungkook even bought me a night lamp so I didn't need to sleep in complete darkness. Everything was doing good. However, I'm still talking with a bit stutter because of my lack of experience in talking before but none of them minded it anyway.  They understand me which I was glad about.

I'm in my room getting ready as Jungkook was in his company doing some work and he will come home to take me later the day. Jungkook wasn't only a mafia leader he was also a successful CEO of his company, JK Industries, the richest in Korea. He had many branches all over Korea.

He's well known and respected. Unlike other mafias, Jeon Mafia didn't do any illegal work like drugs or human trafficking. They're indeed against it. They did kill but only enemies not innocent people.

I heard the front door opened.

OMG Jungkook already home?! What time is it now?

I looked at the clock.

It's almost 5?! I getting ready for 2 hours already?!

Yeah I started at 3 I guess. I rummaging through my wardrobe looking at some clothes Tae had bought me. I picked one of that and wore it. I hope Jungkook like it.

Stop it Jimin it's not a date!

I scolded myself. I blushed.

Well..it is look like a date though. Only me and him.

I checked my hair and walked out. I went down stairs to the living room. Jungkook was waiting there. He looked up from his phone starring at me eyeing my outfit. His strong gaze making me shy as I looked down playing with the hem of my sleeves. I looked up at him. He didn't stop starring yet.

Gosh did he want me to burn under his gaze right now?


He then stood up ad walked to me. He's so handsome Damn. He was wearing a casual clothes instead of his suit.

He pulled me by my waist and whispered

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He pulled me by my waist and whispered. "Looking beautiful, angel." In his raspy voice I blushed.

Jungkook's pov

I'm doing some paperworks and typing some stuff on my laptop in my office as my secretary, Bogum came in and bowed. "Boss, it's time." I looked at my watch. It's 4pm already and it's time to pick up Jimin. I almost done with my work so I saved all the files and close my laptop. I put it in my bag so I can finish it up at home later. I grabbed my phone and walked out. Bogum bowed at me. "I'll be going for now. You can go home once you finished." " Yes boss." I just nod my head and went to the parking lot where my driver was waiting for me.

After half an hour I reached home. I went out to have a shower and wore some casual clothes.

Looking handsome as always (😏) I walked out of my room to the kitchen. It's pass 5 so maybe Jin-hyung are getting ready for dinner. Well we have maids buy Jin just love cooking by himself. Not like I complained, his cooks were amazing. Just as I predicted he's in the kitchen taking some ingredients out. I informed him that I'm bringing Jimin to the mall and probably eat dinner out.

I sat in the living room waiting for Jimin while playing with my phone. Just like on cue, he entered the living room. I looked up at him.

Damn he's so beautiful

He's so beautiful that I just just want to go to him and kissed all the day light of him

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He's so beautiful that I just just want to go to him and kissed all the day light of him. We were not dating.....yet. I want to give Jimin some time and not rush things. I did tease him, making him blushed, some pecks and kisses on his head before sleep. I fell in love with him since we were child. I respect him and his condition right now and not going too far to make him uncomfortable.

I don't know how long I was staring until he spoke. "Uhm, K-Kookie." He shyly called me while playing with his sleeve. I stood from the couch and walked to him pulling him by his waist. "Looking beautiful, angel." I whispered to him. I saw him blushed I chuckled. "Come let's go." I grabbed his hand pulling him to the garage. I have a few cars in there. I looked at Jimin's shocked face as he saw them. He looked at me. I smiled at him. "You can choose which we're driving today." I said. He looked at me disbelief. "R-really?"

I nod and watch he hesitantly walk across the the garage to see it better. Later he comes back to me and point out one of the cars. "T-this one." I ask my driver for the car's key since I will drive. We get into the car and I drove to the mall.

Hey guys I'm back! I'm sorry if my storylines are a bit slow 😔 sorry I'm not a good author

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Hey guys I'm back! I'm sorry if my storylines are a bit slow 😔 sorry I'm not a good author. But I'll try my best to continue this story 🙂

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