💣 19

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Author's pov

The next morning Jimin woke up without Jungkook by his side. He sighed getting up from his bed. As he stepped his leg on the cold floor, a shooting pain ran through his feet.

Oh please not again.

That's probably because of the fall. He sighed trying to stand up and walked to the bathroom to fresh himself. He walked to the closet. He noticed that his clothes they bought yesterday were already in there.

It's must be Jungkook or Jin hyung.

He picked out some outfit.

Ughh I would get scolded by hyung later

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Ughh I would get scolded by hyung later. Well, at least it's not that painful.

Jimin pouts as he looked at his feet. He looked at the time. It's 9.30 a.m. so he walked out of his room along the hallway and went downstairs. He frowned as no one was in the living room and the house is quiet. He heard some noise and smells from the kitchen so he decided to go see it only be meet by Jin hyung who was washing the dishes while cooking.

"Hyung?" The said male turned his head. "Oh Jimin you're awake. I just about to wake you after I finish washing. Are you hungry?" Jimin nod sitting on one of the stools. Jin smiles. "Wait, let me prepare for you." He dried his hands with the small towel and continue cooking. While waiting, Jimin decided to ask about others.

"Hyung, where are Jungkook and others?" He ask as Jin serve him his breakfast. Jin give a smile. "Oh, they went out early for some mafia work. Don't you worry they will be back later." Jin sat in front of him. Jimin nod taking a bite. Jin made him some pancakes as it's Jimin's favorite so far. They chatted for a while then Jimin helps Jin with the dishes even he refused.

Jin ask Jimin to follow him to his room and sat on the bed as he examinate his feet. Jimin was shocked on how would Jin know that but brushed it off.

Maybe Jungkook told him. Besides that he may notice how I walked earlier.

-With Jungkook...-

Jungkook and his gang (except Jin) walked into the basement of their headquarters. "Sir." He looked at Suga showing a record. "She doesn't has relatives. Humm perfect." Looking at the passed out person tied to the chair.

"W-where am I?" The person groans as she woke up finding herself tied to a chair in a dark room.

"Well, well well. Look who's here." Jungkook smirk as he walked to the person in front of him. Twirling a knife in his hand. The person widened her eyes. "Y-you!" She said recognizing Jungkook. "What is going on?? Why am I here?!" She shouted frightened seeing the knife in Jungkook's hand. He chuckled leaning his face to her. "Well, let me tell you, sweetie." He traces the back of the knife on her face. Smirking at her frightened look. He pulled her hair back making her looked up. Gasping as she feels the cold metal on her neck.

Jungkook whispered to her ear. "You fucking dare to hurt my baby. Now now I guess you should be punished." His voice is rough and cold sending shivers to her but not enough to make her regrets as she confidently talk. "Oh that piece of shit? I can please you more than him." She bite her lips trying to look sexy but to no avail Jungkook not interested. Instead, it's making him mad.

He chuckled tighten his hold on her hair making her gasp in pain as the knife digging on his skin drawing a bit of blood. "I guess you don't know me, Miss Kim." He let go of her backing back. RM brought a chair and Jungkook sat in front of her. He signalled his men. "Go on. You know what to do."

"Wait! Hey!" He watched as she scream as his men untied her and pushed her to the floor beating the shit of her. "Ahhh! Stop!" She screamed. This continues for about 10 minutes Jungkook stopped them. "Stop." She coughed breathing heavily. Her hair was a mess and some bruises started to form. He got up from his chair walking to her. His men went aside giving him space. He grips her hair forcing her to stand.

"W-who a-are y-you." She breathes. He smirked.

"I'm JK."


The body fell limp to the ground. "Clean this mess and discard the body." "Yes sir!" Jungkook keep his gun back walking out of the basement following by the other members. "Sir, this is your clothes." RM said turning to Jungkook.

"Hyunggg~. I said don't call me that when were alone~." Jungkook whined. RM chuckled. "Alright alright, Kook. Here, change your clothes so we can get back home. You don't want Jimin to see you with the blood right?"

Nodded Jungkook took the clothes and change in his office's restroom. Soon they all went home. As Jungkook walk into the mansion door, he got tackled buy someone. "Kookieeeeeeeee." He looked down being met with a pair of blue orbs that he would forever stared to. He smiled hugging back. "Hey baby. Missed me?" Jimin nod smiling.

"Yahhh! You little piece of mochi! I told you to not run like that! You might hurt yourself!" Jin's voice booming from the living room. Startling the two who keep staring at each other. Jimin nervously smile. "Hehe. Sorry hyung."

"Aish this kid."


Hiii sorry for the boring chapter. It will be better (I hope)
Hope you like it.

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