💣 9

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Jimin's POV

I've been living with them for a week now. I never felt this happy before. Jungkook been taking care of me since then. Since of my ankles still need to time to healed, he bring me in his arms everywhere. He won't let me walk untill I'm fully healed. Not that I complained. His hold was so warm and comfortable. I always easily fall asleep on him.

I slowly start to have my trust on him and also the other members. I learned they're Mafia with Jungkook. He is the leader, Joonie hyung the second leader and Yoongi hyung the third leader and a hacker based on what I understand. Jin hyung is a doctor here and I thanked him for treating me. He also a cook even they have maids around he preferred to cook by himself. I'm not lying his food are delicious.

Hobi hyung is a weapon expert. You probably won't wondering how a sunshine like him would be a Mafia. Well I did. Taetae is such a good friend. Even he's a year older than Jungkook, we are like a match to each other. He keeps me company when Jungkook is out for some stuffs instead of just being in the bedroom alone.

Hobi hyung, Yoongi hyung and Tae are in poly relationship. Joonie hyung and Jin hyung are together also. They're all perfect match for each other.

My nightmares didn't go any better. I still dreaming about when I'm in the basement. I always woke up in the middle of night, crying and sometimes having a panic attack. But Jungkook always be with me, comforting me and calming me.

I woke up from my sleep panting heavily. Tears streaming down my face. I have always dreamed about the basement but since yesterday I have been dreaming about a boy. I don't even know why.


A 8 years old me ran around the park not noticing I was far from my parents. I ran untill I reach the end of the park. I looked around only to see that I was alone. Tears built in my eyes as I was about to cry. "Mummy? Dad?" I cried as I didn't see them everywhere. There wasn't many people in the park but since it was huge, I was alone.

"Hey, you okay?"

I turned around to see a boy standing behind me. I sniffled and looked at him. "Hey, you okay? What's your name?" He asked. I opened my mouth but then remembered my mothers said. "M-mummy said not to tell someone I don't know." I already stopped crying by now. He smiled. "My dad told the same but I want to friend you. Can you just tell me your nickname? You can call me-."


"Here, have this." He gave me a locket necklace. I looked at it. "Open it." I opened it and there's something writen in it. I squelled. "It's our name!" I smiled at him. "I also have mine." He showed a same locket on his neck.

"One day, we'll met again. I want us to keep this."

"Honey, we need to go!" I heard his mom said.

"Okay mom!" He shouted back.

He looked back at me. He came hugged me. "We'll see again."

End of dream.

I looked at the locket that I kept under my shirt. Luckily the mafia that took me before allowed me to keep it. I looked at our name engraved in it. I miss him. I really hope I could meet him again. Soon, there's a knock on the door. I quickly put the locket back in my shirt.

The door swung open revealed Jungkook. "Jimin, you okay?" He asked walking in. "Yes, I'm fine. Just another nightmare." I smiled. He sighed sitting next to me on the bed. "Want me to company you?" He asked. I hesitantly nod my head. Thank god it's dark so he can't saw my red face now.

He laid on the bed and signaled me to laid next to him. I slowly laid down and gasped as he pulled me closer by my waist, facing him and tucked my head to his chest. I swear my face was red and my heart just wanna exploaded in my chest. He played with my hair making me sleepy. When I was half way asleep, he pulled away and got the covers on us. I then being in his arms again. It's weird that I easily attached to him. I barely know him by the time.

His hold was very familliar to me. Like I've been longing for it for so long.

I closed my eyes and let the sleepiness consume me.

Why am I getting this thoughts?

Yo hello there. It's me again

Mafia's Love (JiKook) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now