💣 20

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Author's pov

It's just a fine chilling days. The weather was just nice. A bit windy because of the previous rain. It's been over 2 months of Jimin living with them. He had been settling well with the members. He's gone back to his usual self. No more nightmares since a few weeks ago and to be honest it was the best improvement.

Jimin woke up from his sleep. Sun shines trough the gap between the curtain lighting the darkness of the room. Jimin stretch his hands above him. Sighing before dragging his feet against the floor to the bathroom. He freshen up himself before exiting the room towards the stairs walking down.

He frowned seeing no one in the living room. He went to the kitchen noticing a maid cleaning in there. She looks like around 40 years old. She turned around spotting him at the door frame. "Oh young master. I have made your breakfast. Have a seat."

He shyly smile as he did not used to be called 'young master'. He sat on one of the stools. The maid then serve his food. "Please have a breakfast, sir." She bowed. "No no please just call me Jimin. I'm not used to that." Jimin rushed. The maid looked at him shocked but then smiled. "If you insist, Jimin." Jimin smiles back. "What's your name ma'am?"

"My name is Sooyeon." Then they talked for a bit while Jimin ate his meals. Jimin learned that she been working with Jeon as a maid for 8 years.

Jimin laid on the couch staring at the tv. He was a bit bored as its nearly noon. Sooyeon tell him that the members were out for some work at their office. He groaned out of boredom. Usually Jin was here in his little clinic in the mansion but today he isn't.

Oh Jimin won't believe what they're up to.

He sighed for the 100nth times. It's been a week the members had been busy. They would went out early morning and home late at night.

Yea I understand they're Mafia but..... Jin hyung too?!

He lopped onto his bed.

Maybe there doing missions. Maybe their men get injured that's why Jin hyung also there. Think positive Jimin!

He close my eyes slowly drifting off. He don't know how long he had been sleeping but a loud crashing sounds from downstairs woke me. He looked outside. It's getting dark. He got up gathering the courage and slowly walked downstairs to check out the sounds.

When he arrived, the living room is uncomfortably dark. The lights are off. Not a single maid presence even Sooyeon.

What is happening?






Silence. He tried to find the light switches. Luckily the outside wasn't completely dark so he can see his steps a little. As he was near the switch, he saw some movement at his left. He quickly ran and switch on the lights. His eyes widened on what he saw.



Jimin looked around shocked. The living room is beautifully decorated with balloons in various colors. A banner hung in between with 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' on it. Everyone was present there. He observe them one by one before landing on someone he had been missing this days. Making the eye contact with those brown orbs seeing the love in there.

It's my birthday today. They know it.

Jimin felt tears gathering in his eyes. All this years he never celebrate his birthday like this. He makes eye contact with the brown orbs one last time before he completely broke down. He cupped his face and crouch to his knees completely sobbing. No, he's not sad, he was overwhelmed by this. Soon, he felt a pair of arms wrapped around him. He sobbed more knowing by the person's scents as he spoke.

"Don't cry baby."

Jungkook. Jimin immediately latched his arms around him buried his face to his chest. "Shhh don't cry. Why are you crying? It's okay. I'm here." Jungkook whispered sweet things as he comfort the crying boy in his arms. Eventually after a few minutes, his cries stopped replaced with light sniffing. "There you go, angel. Don't cry. We're here."

Jimin looked up seeing his hyungs looking at him with worried eyes. Jin was the first to spoke. "Are you okay, Jimin?" Wiping his tears, Jimin nod. Jungkook helped him stand and walked to the middle of living room. There had a table with various of food, a cake and sweets. He eyed at his hyungs. "Y-you guys did this?" Throat hoarse because of the crying.



"Remember when we're busy this week?" Tae ask. Jimin nod. "Yea we aren't busy with our work, instead were busy to make this surprise for you." Jimin come to hug him. "Thank you." Tae chuckled. "Thanks to Jungkook. He planned all of this." Jimin let go of the hug and go to Jungkook kissing him on the cheek. Jungkook froze on his spot from the kiss. He stared at Jimin's blue eyes who was getting shy after the kiss.

"Okay love birds, how about we cut the cake? I'm getting hungry." Tae said snapping Jungkook out of his trance. He playfully glared at Taehyung. "Yeah."

and the party begins....

Little did they know someone have a surprise too.


"Boss, everything is settled."

"Good." He smirked

"Let them have fun first.

For now, we wait."


Hehehe the storms are about to come~
(~ ̄³ ̄)~


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