💣 4

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JK's pov

I woke up this morning and got up to get ready myself. Today I had a meeting with other mafia who want to make an alliance with my mafia. It gone well which I glad. Jin-hyung came for a while to report about the boy's condition. "I already checked him and his condition is quite worse than I thought." Jin-hyung sighed. I frowned. "How worse?" I raised my eyebrow leaning to my office desk prepared about what he's doing to say.

"He got bruises and cuts all over his body. There's a few cuts on his back that looks still fresh and dried bloods. I already put some meds and bandage it. He has a few cracked ribs but thankfully non is broken. It will take time to heal." He sighed. "Unfortunately his left ankle is sprained. Namjoon said he's locked with a metal chain?" He said looking at me. I nod. "Understandable, make sense of the bruise around his ankle." He exhaled. Noticing his hesitance I ask.

"Hyung? Is there anything else I should know?"



I sat in my office at home doing some paperworks when a knock be heard. "Come in." I said not looking at the door. The door opened and a maid came in. She bowed. "Sir, the boy had waken up." "Okay. Go prepare some food for him." She bowed and left. I stood up from the chair and walked along the hallway to his room. I opened the door seeing him sat on the bed. Looking at me.

"I see you are awake. How are you feeling?" I asked walking to him. He scoot backwards in fear and hissed as the headboard pressing onto his back. I notice his fear so I sat at the edge of the bed. "What's your name?" I asked. "J-Jimin." His voice came out as a whisper but still an be heard. He don't looked at me. Jimin..it sound sweet on my tounge. "Jimin, hum..nice name." He blushes a little. I chuckled. "I'm Jeon Jungkook. Nice to meet you." As I said that, his head snapped to me and his eyes widen.

"J-Jeon J-Ju-Jungk-kook?" He stutered as his body shook in fear. God, he's going to hate me more now. "P-please do-don't h-hurt m-me. L-let me g-go. I'll d-do anything y-you want. " He stuttered as he cried getting on his knees and bowed.

He's been through so much.

My face soften. I reach my hand towards him. He flinch as I lifted his head with my hand and use another one to wipe his tears. He stared at me. I smiled.  "Shh, I'm not gonna hurt you. You're save here. I promise." I said softly not to scare him. He stopped crying but sniffing softly. I wiped the rest of his tears with my thumb and smiled at him. He lean on my touch and I slowly hugged him. He tense a little but allowed me. He burry his face to my chest and sniffled my scent. "T-thank you." His voice sounded muffled to my shirt. I ran my hand to his hair.

I pulled from the hug and smiled. "I have some works to do. A maid will send you some food later. Make sure you eat okay?" I remembered that Jin-hyung told me that he was severely malnourished. He seem hesistant but nod his head. "Good." I stood up and walked to the door but turned back to lean a kiss on his forehead and walk back to the door. I saw him turned into dark pink and stuffed his face to the pillow. I chuckled and walk out.



I snapped from my thought seeing Namjoon calling me. Oh yeah, we're in the middle of him reporting about last night to me. He sighed. "We'll continue this later. Jungkook, what's wrong with you. You're not like this." He ask but before I can answer, Suga-hyung who sat the couch across my office cut in. "It about the boy wasn't it?." He said. We looked at him. "I want to know too. Why did you care for him? You always kill without thinking." Namjoon-hyung asked and they looked at me. I sighed.

"His eyes, I saw him somewhere before but I can't remember. He remind me of someone."

Mafia's Love (JiKook) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now