💣 14

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Taehyung's pov  (woah first time😆)

Everyone had gathered at the dinning table for dinner. We just waited Jungkook to get Jimin upstairs. Tbh I'm kinda nervous and exited to meet lil mochi again. It's kinda heartbreaking that we need to leave him back then. My father was from Jeons so that we need to move too. I looked at a bracelet on my wrist. Friendship bracelet that we three have. Jungkook also have his but didnt wear it since it didnt fit him anymore so instead, he keep it in his room.

My thought stopped when we heard footsteps coming revealing Jungkook with Jimin in his arms. It got me feel angry that Jimin still can't really walk by himself. I wonder how long he had been suffered in the basement and half naked?!

"Jimin?? Baby??" I heard Jungkook and Jin hyung had been called him many times. I looked at him and saw he had been in daze while looking at Jungkook. I can see love and care in his eyes. Small smile on his lips as he lean on Jungkook's chest. I smiled. I'm glad we found him. I always knew he liked Jungkook back then.

Eventually, Jimin snapped from his daze and Jungkook sat him on the chair next to him. "How about your ankle? Is it still hurt?" Jin hyung ask. "No hyung but they are still weak. I still can't walk properly since I didn't used to walk before." Hyung nodded. That's sounds so sad. The fact that he wasn't used to walk breaking my heart.

While eating, Jungkook is feeding Jimin from time to time and I could see the love in his eyes. I had known he liked Jimin in the past. Jungkook told Jimin that we all need to talk later in the living room.

I hope you still remember me Jimin..

I looked down on my plate but looked up when someone patted my back. It's Yoongi hyung. I smiled leaning to his shoulder. He might not be the best at showing affection but I love him so much along with Hobi hyung. They're protective over me.

Jimin's pov

We all finished our dinner and go to the living room. We all sat down on the couch.

Other pov:

"Boss, the xxx Mafia had burnt down. Nothing left even the boy.

"What?! Who did it?"

"Its Jeon Mafia."

I smirked.

Well, finaly we'll face each other, Jeon.

And for you little boy, you will be mine again.

Mafia's Love (JiKook) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now