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Jimin's pov

What if it's Jungkook?

Nope, maybe he not. He can't be. He is a mafia. How can I meet him before. If he is then why he not saying anything? I looked at my locket. I miss him.

Today Jungkook had gone to the mafia meeting and only me and Jin Hyung being left in the mansion. I walk out of my room to the kitchen since I've gotten some strength on my legs. I walk passed some maids and heard they talking about me. I hid behind the wall to hear more.

"Who the hell is the new boy."

"Why boss is treating him good."

"I bet he just a slut."

"He just want attention."

"He is ugly you know."

Enough. I can't hear more. I ran -as I could- back to my room. Little did I know, Jin-hyung saw everything. I locked the door and laid on my bed. Burried my face to the pillow as I cried. Everyone are just going to hate me whenever I go. I'm ugly. Maybe I'm just a slut. I lose my virginity since I was 14. Getting beat up everyday. Who want someone like me?

I cried myself to sleep after that.

I being woke up when someone knocked on my door. "Jimin?" A voice said. Jungkook? When did he came home? I walked to the door and opened it to met with Jungkook.

"Come, follow me." He pulled my hand with him. I followed him untill his room. "What are we doing here?" I asked.  He sat on the bed, signalling me to sat next to him. I obeyed. He hold both my shoulders with his hands. "I know what happened earlier." I start to tear up. "H-How?" I asked. "Jin told me. Don't think much about what they say. I already fired them. Don't think lowly on yourself." He said.

Why is he kind to me?

I just nodded. "Come, it's late. You can sleep here if you want." I blushed at the request. I nod a little. He laid me on the bed and laid next to me. I feel his arms around my waist pulling me closer until I my back against his chest.

God, why I feel like this?

He played with my hair making me feel sleepy. When I'm about to sleep, I heard him say. "I love you."

He love me?

I drift to sleep.


I woke up by the sunrise outside the mansion. Jungkook's arm was still on me. I slid out of him. God, why is he so strong? I looked oh the clock placed on the night stand. 8.00 a.m. I proceed to back to my room then, I saw something in his drawer that slightly opened.

I opened it and found a locked that seem same as mine. How he have this? I opened the locked to see picture of me and a boy. My eyes widened. My chest tightened. Realization hit me.

Jungkook is him!


Happy birthday Namjoon!


(Edit: I changed some part here :))

Mafia's Love (JiKook) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now