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Author's pov

After dinner, Jimin fell asleep once again. After so many years, he finally got to sleep on a comfortable bed. Jungkook laid next to him, playing with his hair gently. He looked at Jimin's sleeping figure. He smiled and got up from the bed. The others already home by now. He went downstairs to see everyone else in the living room.

"Hey, hyungs."

(Jungkook only being soft for his hyungs)

All the five of them turned to him. "What are you guys doing this late." He asked sitting on the couch. "Nothing. We just arrived. How was the boy?" Namjoon asked but before Jungkook can answer, Tae and Hobi shout. "A boy?!"

(Tae and Hobi weren't there during the mission. They're assigned for other.)

They looked at Namjoon then Jungkook. "Yep, we found him in the mafia's basement. Yet, I still don't know why Jungkook keep him." Namjoon said also looked at Jungkook.

"Hyungs... I think... I like him.."

Everyone eyes widened. I mean who wouldn't shocked? Like, THE HEARTLESS MAFIA BOSS LIKED SOMEONE??!!


Only that you can hear. Jungkook was getting nervous. Everyone too shocked to say anything. Then, Jin cleared his throat. "I'm fine with it. If you like him, take care of him." Everyone agreed. "We don't care who you like. At least we got to see a happy Jungkook again." Namjoon added.

Jungkook sighed relieve. He know his hyung will support him. Jimin make him smile which he never be in years after the death of his parents. He know he liked Jimin when he first found him in the basement. But something about Jimin made Jungkook think, like he had met him before.

-next morning-

Jimin woke up 2 hours earlier. Jungkook was nowhere found. He decided to roam around the house. He got up from his bed and walked, limping a little to the door. His ankle still hurt but enough for him to limp around.

Will he be mad if I walk around? Will he punish me? But he promise that he wouldn't hurt me, right?

He shrugged it off and opened the door. He walked along the hallway with the support of the wall untill he he reach the living room.

No one was there. He decide to walk more untill he found a door. He hesitantly opened it to be faced with six men. One of them was Jungkook. They were in the middle of meeting as Jimin walked in.

Jimin froze in his spot. He don't know what to do. He opened his mouth to speak but being cut by a yell.

"So cute!!"

He couldn't process anything untill he been pulled in a hug by two guys. Yep, Taehyung and Hoseok. They squeeze the living out of Jimin untill Jungkook release them and pulled Jimin close to him. This make Jimin flustered and hid his red face on Jungkook's chest.

"Oh my, he's so cute!"

Meanwhile Jin is looking at them -mostly Jungkook- with a smile on his face.

'I'm glad that Jungkook finally found the one he love. I'm quite shocked when I first saw the boy. His condition wasn't anything I can imagine. Maybe this boy will bring our old Jungkook back. He never be like this after he lost his parents...' He thought.


Jungkook sighed flopping on his bed staring at the ceiling. His hyung's words been playing in his mind all day.

"Hyung? Is there anything else I should know?"


"I checked him throughly, Jungkook. And I found - *sigh* He's been abused, kook. Not any abuse but sexually abuse."

"You mean-"

"Yes. He's been raped."


"It about the boy wasn't it?."

"I want to know too. Why did you care for him? You always kill without thinking."

"His eyes, I saw him somewhere before but I can't remember. He remind me of someone."

Jungkook sighed opening his drawer next to his bed. He took out the thing.

"Where are you? I miss you."

Mafia's Love (JiKook) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now